CH. 15

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"Life is a game. I don't play to get even. I play to win"
- Anonymous

Sienna Bianchi

Stuck on a private plane with Giovanni once again was not where I had planned myself on being a month ago. Certainly not after saving his life. Even being in this exact moment felt fictitious.

All jokes aside, it would be a more probable situation having me chained up and tied down to be tortured in his basement. With the amount of shit I dug up over the last month you couldn't really blame him for wanting me dead. Unfortunately, he would have to wait in line for that pleasure.

In my blind rage for Federico I had managed to gather quite the group of seething men drooling for my head on a stake; both on a personal and professional level. Digging up dirt, killing useless rats and drug dealers surely wasn't popular in this business. Me acting like a stone cold bitch for any reason whatsoever wasn't uncommon nor shocking, but you could safely say that the shitlists with my name on it had doubled in size.

"Are you good, Ducky?"

Drawn out of my own world, I turned in the direction of the voice and Mattia's concerned face. Seated on the lush leather couch beside me, his emotions were visibly recognizable. Somehow they always were. My gentle giant wore his heart on his sleeves for those taking the time to notice the smaller things. A fresh breath of air in this stone-masked lifestyle.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

As flattering as his concern was, I failed to see the reason behind the emotion. Looking at the bigger picture, this day had been one of the easier ones to handle. Had it been any different they would have known in an instance.

"Oh, I don't know. You shot a man. Saved my boss and the fact that you haven't spoken a word since. That would justify my concern" Mattia stated. That claim was legitimate enough. A claim he never would have stated had Giovanni decided not to hide out in his makeshift office licking his wounds.

"I thought it would be best to keep my mouth shut to refrain from chewing his ass out. I'm fine, Mattie" He didn't believe me. I wouldn't either had he spoken the same words back to me. The word fine usually meant the complete opposite of its true definition. Thankfully, he let it go.

I couldn't have told him even if he asked me to. To be completely transparent, I had no fucking clue why I didn't feel fine. The scene that went down earlier today was something I'd experienced my fair share of. Apart from the Giovanni aspect that is.

It was vaguely clear that he was the reason behind my uneasiness. The cocky Italian had tiptoed his way into my heart and moulded a room allowing me to care for him. They say there's a thin line between love and hate, a realization I pushed away the second it popped up.

Forcing myself out of the uncertain rabbit hole I facepalmed into, I signalled for the smoking hot new steward for something stronger than water. Anita was nowhere to be seen, gone with the wind. The devil smiled up at me today. Dealing with Anita throughout this flight would have made me snap. Would it still be considered part of the mile high club if I killed on a plane?

Smirking at the godly looking man, a glorious rack of white teeth smiled back at me. Blonde haired and blue eyed, the lean man held no obvious ties to the Italians or Italy at all. It didn't particularly help that he was wearing a tailored suit. The dark material stretched around his well-defined abs like glue. Going celibate for a month was the wrong decicion.

"What's your name, babe?" I shamelessly inquired, having no remorse for the consequences. I was horny and this man was handsome. Match made in heaven. Smirking at me, the tall god-like man looked me over like I was a priceless piece of art. Creating a trail of fire as his eyes glanced over me, a desperate need to get nailed washed over me.

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