Chapter 11

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A/N: Okay. So I don't do a lot of author's notes. They bug me so I assumed they bug you to. I won't do a lot during this story. 

This chapter isn't very interesting. It's just a filler and a way to introduce changes in P.O.V's. YEY! 

I hope you all enojy. There won't be alot of P.O.V changes anyway.

Thanks my beauties<3

Niall's P.O.V

I have been calling Beth for months now. 3 to be right, but I have had no answer. The other boys have been trying to, but they have had no luck. Not that I know of anyway.

I have tried going to her house 4 times. I had no answer the first time but the second time, her dad answered the door.

*Flash back*

It has been 2 weeks since Beth left and she won't return any of my calls. I have been to her house once but no one answered. I decided to go back again today.

I knocked on the front door and was met with her father. "Hello Rob." I said confidently.

"Please call me Mr.James Niall. I'm not very happy with you." He said.

My heart dropped and I felt sick. "W-why sir?" I stuttered.

"My daughter came home alone and depressed the morning after that night she stayed at yours. Want to tell me what happened as she won't tell me the whole story."

I felt it wrong to lie to him. He was nothing but nice to me, well after the questioning stage. And he trusted me, so I was going to tell him.

I explained everything that happened. Well, not the night before, obviously. But what happened that morning in the kitchen. I explained the phone call and how I lost my temper.

"I'm sorry Mr.James. I know I shouldn't have done what I did, but I couldn't help it. He made me so mad with how he upset Beth. Then I upset her because he upset me because he upset her." I babbled.

"You only did what you thought was right. You was protecting Beth from any potential threat. Even though you hurt her. Thank you."

I was shocked at his slight comment. "No." I said. "Thank you for believing I meant no harm."

"It's no problem." He said. "But why are you here? I haven't heard from you in around 2 weeks."

I chuckled sadly. "Yeah. Beth won't answer my calls and ignored the first time I came by. I wanted to apologize for yelling at John the way I did. I wanted to apologize for my behavior and immaturity. I was going to beg for her forgiveness."

"I am sorry. But I can't let you in. She made me promise, and I don't break them. But you will get her, no matter how stubborn she is, I know she misses you and the boys. She hasn't been the same since that day." He explained.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"She has completely blocked out her friends and family. The people who care most for her. She has also closed he emotions behind a door. A door I know only you can open. Please find a way to he Niall. She needs you." Rob was begging.

"Sir. I promise I will find a way to her. Easy or hard. I'm not giving up." I said. I don't go back on my promises.

"Thank you Niall. Call me Rob." He winked at me. I smiled. "Goodbye for now Niall."

"Goodbye Rob."

*End of flash back*

Today was a day I knew I was going to have to do something drastic. I was going to have to do a huge plan and have a lot of people involved.

Started with XFactor (Niall Horan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now