Chapter 17

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A/N: Who do you guys support - Bell or Zeth? (Don't just chose the pretty name!)

In this chapter there is a RARE P.O.V change. Don't get used to it. And it will be the same character for the next couple of chapters. I'm only doing this so that you will feel the emotions needed for the story.

"When Zayn cooks, he always ends up burning the food, then either me or Harry have to go in and make breakfast." Liam said and Harry high-fived Louis.

After about 5 minutes, I couldn't take it. "Niall?" I asked turning around. "Is it okay if I help Zayn?" I whispered. He nodded and pecked my cheeck with a huge smile. I smiled a thanks, got up and walked to the kitchen. "Hey." I said.

"What you doing out here?" He asked. He didn't snap, but he sounded confused, and not to as why I was in the kitchen.

"I came to help. And it seems to me you need it." I say, smiling. "Where are the aprons?" I ask. He points to a hook. I take one that says 'Kiss the Chef'. I then wash my hands. "First, have you washed your hands?" He quickly goes and washes them. I look through a couple of cupboards and finally come across what I need. "Pancake mix. You might need this." I say sarcastically.

I then go over to the fridge and pull out 2 packs of bacon. "Could you get me 1 large pan and 1 normal pan please?" I ask. Zayn quickly goes into a cupboard and pulles out the pans. "Place them on there and start the stove up." I command.

"Done. How are you so good at this?" He asked. I smiled.

"It's standard cooking. It's pretty easy if you've been taught. Most people my age down here know how to cook full breakfasts." I say. "The first day Niall and I actaully spent together, I cooked him breakfast. I made bacon, egg, beans, sausage and toast." I said proudly. He smiled wonderously at me.

"Pass me the mix?" I ask. He passes the bottle of pancake mix. "There was another reason I came out here. Not just to help you." I say pouing the mix into the medium size pan. "Pass the bacon?" He places both packets of bacon in my hand. "You couldn't have opened them for me?" I ask grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting both bags open. I place all 14 peices on the big pan perfectly.

"Do you mind telling me what the other things was? Or are you going to make me stand here in suspense all day?" He asked slightly frusturated.

"I don't know. Making you stand there all day sounds good to me." I tease, turning to flash a smile at him before flipping the fourth pancake.

"Come on, just tell me please?" He asks.

"Fine." I give in. "Why did you look so sad?"


"Just now, in the living room. You were all happy and laughing, then you put me on Niall's lap, and your face went all depressed. You looked broken." I explain. He smiles sadly again. "That!" I shout. "That smile. It's so sad. It doesn't look good on you." I say.

"Don't worry. I will tell you some other time. I would rather not ruin this morning. I don't want a repeat like last time we had breakfast." He said. I just scowelled and finished the pancakes.

I dished up. Everyone got one, 20cm, pancake each with 2 slices of bacon. I palced the plates around the table. "Dad! Boys! Breakfast is ready!" I called, not making eye contact with Zayn. We all crowded around the table.

Dad sat to the left of me and Niall to the right. On the other side Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn squashed together. Zayn just so happened to be sat directly in front of me. I looked at my food and gently played with it with my fork. I wasn't hungry anymore. There was an awkward tension in the air, and everyone could feel it.

Started with XFactor (Niall Horan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now