Chapter 21

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Zayn's P.O.V


"Zayn." I heard the voice on the other end of the phone, and hung up instantly. I'm a bit afraid of him. I wonder if he knew I was going to call, so he was calling to check up on me? It was Beth's dad.

My phone rang again, and it was her house phone again. I hesitantly answered. "Don't hang up." He said quickly. Rob is quite a scary man when he wants to be, so don't ever disobey him, although he isn't the violent type.

"Okay. What is it you need, sir?" I asked, shaking. I heard a sigh, then it sounded like the phone was being passed on.

"Hey, Zayn." Someone new said on the receiver. I knew who it was instantly. "I could tell Rob was scaring you." He said. He always seems to know what is wrong, whether it be me, Beth, or anyone in particular.

"Thanks. What's up?" I asked, feeling a bit more relaxed talking to Daf.

"We need you here." He said, and I froze stiff.

"Why do you want me there? Do you not know what Rob did to me?" I asked, slightly parranoid.

"Yeah, and thats why you need to come here. He wants to apologize to you, in person. And I convinced him to tell Beth. But he wants you here to do it." He explained, trying to convince me too.

"Fine, I will be about 25 minutes. Tell him thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me a chance to see Beth smile." I said and hung up. I quickly threw my leather jacket on, grabbed my keys and the picture Rob left me with. I locked the house and hopped into my car, and drove away.

Beth's P.O.V

There was one thing I really missed being able to do. One place I missed being, and talking to the one person whom I told everything. I missed going to the woods behind my house, and sitting in a tree, with the closest person to me. The one who completely understands me, and knows everything about me.

John Coleman...

With my black leather on, and my mobile in my pocket, I snuck out of the house. I climed out of the window onto the ledge. I dropped from the ledge, and ran. John's house was only 2 streets away, which was one of the great things about this.

His house was actually quite big, bigger than I remember. I remember his room being the one at the front, with the balcony. So many memories coming back to me. One of them was I was upset, so he took me out onto the balcony, and played his guitar to me.

I climbed the tree right next to the balcony, and jumped onto it. I walked over to the doors, and pulled a key out of my pocket, and put it into the keyhole. Yes! Still the same lock. He gave me this key, just in case it was late and I needed someone to talk to.

I quietly snuck into his room, which was currently engulfed in darkness. I looked at my phone, and it was only 4pm. I walked over to the bed, and saw a bump under the covers. I sat on the edge and pulled back the covers, to reveal John.

"It's 4pm. You're in bed. It's dark as hell. And you look like shit. Why are you like this?" I asked, forgetting everything about me, and becoming extremely concerned over John. His head turned to face me. His chocolate brown hair, now all messed up, and his usually gorgeous, dark brown eyes, now have no sparkle.

"Beth? What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding much better than he looked. I smiled, knowing that I could do this to him.

"I came to see you, to talk to someone. Then I found you like this. So, what's up?" I asked. He sat up, switched on a lamp, and smiled at me, looking directly into my eyes.

"I missed you, I have no girlfriend, and no best friend. How else do you suppose I spend my time?" He chuckled at the end. I smiled, he still has his charm.

"I missed you too, a lot. Why don't you have a girlfriend? You know how to get me back." I replied to everyone of his points.

"I was so worried about you. How you were, where you were, who you were with. Everything! I was so caught up in thinking of you, I blocked Cerys out." He explained.

"I am so sorry." I said, and wrapped my arms around John's neck. "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. How long has it been?" I asked, regretting ever having anything to do with his break-up.

"Don't be sorry, the relationship was wrong. I didn't feel the spark with her anymore. You didn't cause any trouble, I was just worried. About a week."

"A week?!" I yelled. "You have been in bed for a week?" He nodded sheepishly. "Go have a shower, now!" I ordered. He smiled, nodded and ran to his bathroom.

While he was taking a shower, I opened all of the curtains and chose some clothes for him to wear. I used to do this every Friday night with him. He came out, and put the outfit I chose for him. It was only a simple batch of clothes, because I was going to drag him to the woods. So he was wearing a red hoody, with a white polo underneath, jeans and some white trainers.

"Lets go." I said, leaving the way I came in. John went to follow. "No, you go out the front. Tell your parents you're leaving. I will leave this way and lock the door." He nodded and headed out the bedroom door.

"Where are we going?" He asked when I met him at his front door. I smiled. "Off to the woods!" He yelled. I smiled again, this time at how well he knows me.

We walked to my house, went around the back, and into the woods. It's a really pretty area, with loads of trees and hundreds of wild flowers. Right in the center of the woods, is a huge meadow that not many people know about. Only John and I are the only people who we know, who know.

Today, we decide not to go there. Instead, we only go about 700 yards into the woods, then find our tree. It was our main hangout when we come here. It is surrounded by Epilobium hirsutum, Ballota nigra

and Viola riviniana, otherwhys known as Great Willowherbs, Black Horehounds and Violets.

We climb to the part of the tree where we both fit in the middle. We sit there for a while, just staring at each other. "I am really sorry." John says, being the first to break the silence.

"For what?" I asked, forgetting everything we havebeen through in the past couple of months.

"For not trusting you. Not trusting Niall. Not being there for you. Being to caught up in me and Cerys. Ignoring you. Getting into that fight with Niall. I'm just sorry for everything." I smiled. When he said he was sorry, I could see he genuinly was.

"And I am sorry. For ruining your relationship. For ruining this week. For scaring and worrying you. For yelling at you. Fighting with you. Saying I should only trust myself. Blocking you out." I said, meaning every word. We sat and stared at each other for a long time again.

"We should go for a walk." He said and jumped down. I nodded and he helped me down. I already knew where he had in mind, and I couldn't wait!

Zayn's P.O.V

I pull up to the house, and the living room light is on. Daf texted me, and told me to just walk straight into the house, so I did. I walked over to the living room. The house hasn't been changed since I was 7, so I remember every room.

I walk in and find Daf and Rob sat on the couch, but they don't look alright. I walk over and see them stressed and really tense. "Where is she?" Rob growels, getting to his feet as I approach. I step back in fear and confusion.

"Where i-is who? W-what do you mean-n?" I stutter in fear. I saw Dafs eyes lighten slightly and Robs get even more worried.

"I told you it wasn't him." Daf said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Beth's gone missing."

Started with XFactor (Niall Horan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now