Chapter 2

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"Where have you been Beth?" My mam asked running up to me. She hugged me and pulled away. She looked at my shirt and a worried expression appeared on her face. I looked at my shirt and smiled a little.

"Why are you smiling. There is blood on your shirt. Did you fight your way back-stage?" She asked. Her comment made me giggle a little.

"This is Niall's blood. I will tell you all about it when we get home." She nodded and I climbed into the back of the car.

It was a long trip back home. We drove from Wales to Manchester. It was a 3 hours 40 minutes drive. I was distracted most of the way though.

I was going over the events of the past hour. I was pulled onto stage by Niall Horan. I met One Direction. Harry Styles kept winking at me. I met Jahmene as well. I punched Niall Horan in the nose. Niall used my phone.


With that I whipped my phone from my pocket. I looked at my home screen. Usual. Nothing there. I looked through my messages. Normal. Nothing off there. Contacts. Nothing odd- Wait! What's this? I found a new contact. I clicked it. The names said - Nialler<3 - and his number was in there. He used on of my pics of his as his contact number. The notes said - Yeah, this is me. Please don't leak my number;)

It was about 11:45pm when we got home. When we arrived I jumped out of the car and ran straight to my bedroom. I closed to door and locked it.

I jumped onto my bed and stared at the contact. Should I text him? I should, just to give him my number. I won't expect a reply though.

To: Nialler<3

Hey, it's Beth. I don't care if your awake or not. I don't expect a reply, but I'm just texting to say this is my number. Thanks for yours. And I'm still really sorry about punching you in the nose. Anyway, there you go. :)

Sent 11:51pm

Received 11:51pm

And it was sent. I was really tired so I curled up in a ball and fell straight asleep. I was woken up to the sound of my phone pinging. The time on my digital clock on my bed-side said 7:23am. I picked my phone up from beside me and looked at my phone. I had 18 new messages from Niall. 2 were from last night.

Received 11:54pm

1: Hey Beth. Glad you noticed my number. Like I said, don't worry about the punch babe. Just don't tell the boy's;)

2: Your probably asleep considering the night you just had. Well sleep tight. Have good dreams. Don't let the bed-bugs bite. Goodnight babe xx

The others were from this morning. Some were saying - Good morning babe xx - there were others saying - Wake up!xx - but one caught my attention. It was the latest one he sent me -

Good morning beautiful. Hope you had a night sleep. Hope you had great dreams. Wake up soon. I'm lonaly and I miss you. Text me back when you are awake so we can plan to spend a day out xx

It was an amazing text to wake up to. I think this boy is amazing. He's sweet and talented, and he has an amazing accent. I think it would be good to meet somewhere and get to know each other. I decided to text him back.

To: Nialler<3

Good morning to you to;) Thanks for waking me up! It's only 7:25am! I'm awake now anyway. Are you alright? I hope you slept well to. And I hope you had good dreams. Oh, how is our nose doing? Did you put ice on it?xx

Sent 07:26am

Received 07:27am

It is only me awake. It's Sunday morning. We all sleep in on a Sunday. I grabbed my phone, went down stairs and into the kitchen. I started to make myself some toast when my phone started ringing;

And I am, whatever you say I am

If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?

In the paper, the news everyday I am

Radio won't even play my jam

'Cause I am, whatever you say I am

If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?

In the paper, the news everyday I am

I don't know it's just the way I am

It was playing the chorus to 'The Way I Am' by Eminem. I answered it and put it on speaker phone. "Hello?" I said looking for a knife.

"Beth! You okay? What you up to?" Niall was exited. I giggled and he laughed.

"Nialler, calm down mate. I'm okay, just making myself breakfast. What about you hun?" I asked. He sighed.

"I'm okay, hungry though. I can't cook! Cook for me!" He was asking. I giggled again and rolled my eyes.

"I would love to, but you ent here, so I can't." He sighed again.

We talked for a while about what we were doing and what was going on. "Niall, we should change your contact name in my phone. My friends always steel my phone, and if they see your number-" I stopped.

"Say no more. Chose a name you like. It's what you will have to call me from now on." I smiled and thought for a while.

"I like a name, but I don't think you will like it." I said. I didn't know what he was doing on the other line.

He said, "I probably will. Just tell me." I didn't know if I should think of a different name or tell him the one I liked. "Tell me!" He demanded.

"Fine! Calm yo self. I like Zachary Goode. But Zach for short."

I could almost literally hear Niall thinking, then he said, "I actually really like it. My name is Zach!" He said the last bit really proud.

"Babe, What are we going to do then?" I asked not meaning to call him babe. He laughed. "What?" I asked.

"Never mind. What are we going to do about what?" He asked.

"About meeting and talking?" I said.

"Ah. Um we could go out, um, tomorrow?" I thought then said,

"I don't know. I live in Wales remember. You don't tour down here. This is proving much more difficult than I thought." I said still thinking. Niall laughed again. "What this time?" I was getting frustrated.

"Zayn is right. Intelligence is attractive!"

"So what are we going to do then?" Niall and I had now switched from talking over the phone to skype. I was eating my toast and he gave me a few evils for it. It was funny winding him up.

"I know!" He shouted and jumped up.

"What!?" I shouted and jumped up also. He sat down and I took a sip of my drink.

"Well, I thought I should just come pick you up and we could go out. Home town maybe? Yours that is." He said.

I had to admit, it was a pretty good idea. "That's a good idea. You could either come pick me up or we could spend a normal day and catch a bus and all. I think that would be easier, it's what I'm used to."

He nodded. "Good idea. Give me your address and I will be at your house at 8am tomorrow." My eyes went wide. This amused Niall.

"Your joking right? Seriously? 8am?" I was asking. This sent him into hysterics. "Just wait Horan. You have a day ahead of you tomorrow. You can meet my friends! I was going to wait until I wanted to torture you. That day has come early. Watch your back mate." He was laughing so hard he couldn't breath.

"Niall, I have to go now. Have a good day, and I look forward to tomorrow. Bye!" I said waving at the computer screen.

He smiled and said, "Bye Beth. Have a good day. See you tomorrow. Bye!" And also waved at the computer screen. We both hung up and I went to my bedroom and did all my Christmas holidays homework.

Started with XFactor (Niall Horan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now