Chapter 16

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Beth's P.O.V

"Hey!" I said cheerily through the phone.

"Hey Bethy. I take it everything went good then?" Bex asked.

"Yeah. They said he was fit enough for the surgery. There are 2 other things I need to tell you."

"Yes?" She asked cautiously.

"Number one: Niall and I are taking dad to go see the boys, so we won't be home for a while." I said.

"Okay, that's fine. Mums up but Bryan is still in bed, so you're not missing much anyway."

"Aha. Thanks. Number two: I think I might have shocked a doctor."

"How do you shock a doctor? What have you done? Are you alright?" She panicked.

"No, no. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong. I used my knowlage to shock him. I took a quiz on cancer that has only ever been correctly completed by a 26 year old woman who studies radiation therapy."

"Yeah, and?"

"Well I completed it correctly the first time, and that's one thing that shocked the doctor."

"That's amazing. See? We always tell you you are smart. What's the other thing?" She said in a singsong voice.

"I diagnosed a patient when the doctor couldn't."

"You did what now?" She shouted through the phone.

"I bet you could have. He was looking at the wrong part of the sheet. It was easy. The idiot." I said.

"You do know how to show people up, don't you?" I heard Daf say.

"Yup, I sure do. You will be next if you don't watch it." We both laughed.

"Well, were almost at the house, so I have to go. Love you all." I said smiling.

"Love you too!" Gwen, Daf and Bex said in unison. And after that I hung up. I sat quietly in the back for the last 5 minutes of the trip, just listing to the stereo. We then pulled up to a house that seemed so familiar, yet I had only been there twice. Strange.

"And this is where we live." I heard Niall say to dad as I climbed out of the car. I was last to get out so they were waiting on me.

"It's very nice, and probably very expensive." Dad chuckled.

We all walked up to the house. When we were in, Niall and dad stood at the front door, and he was explaining to dad where the bathroom and bedrooms up stairs were. I had had already had the grand tour, so I walked towards the living room. When I walked in I was surprised to be greeted by Zayn.

"Hey!" I said walking over. He turned his head to face me. When he saw it was me his face lit up completely. His brown eyes sparkled and his lips formed one of the biggest smiled I had ever seen. "Well someones happy." I teased going over and sitting on his lap.

"Oh shut up." He laughed back. "I am now anyway!" He said and wrapped is arms around me. I hugged him back. "Are you here alone?" He asked concerned after we pulled away.

"No. Niall's in the hall telling my dad where every room is." I said back. He nodded. "Why? Couldn't handle me alone huh?" I teased again, poking his shoulder.

"No, no. Not at all." He said smiling and giving me another hug. "Did you follow my advice?" He asked. I looked at him simply. "About slowing down in life? Taking a break and being a kid?" He asked again.

"Weeeeeell." I streched.

"Well what?"

"Not really."

Started with XFactor (Niall Horan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now