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She ran through the tall grass, scooping up a small garter snake. Barefoot, and careless. "Put the snake down, and come put some shoes on. You are going to get yourself hurt one day!" Yelled the nun across the field. The little girl came running back and held the snake up to the nun. "Look! It's my pet snake!" The little girl said.  The nun smiled, and led the little girl inside.


"Time for bed, little one." The nun said, smiling, to the little girl. "Tomorrow is a big day for you!" The little girl was silent for a moment. "But, why do I have to go? I don't want to leave!" The little girl was going to be adopted the next day. "Sofia, you are finally going to have a home, and a family. They will love you so so much!" Sofia (the little girl) thought, then nodded silently. The nun tucked her into bed and turned out the lights. "Goodnight little one, rest easy, for tomorrow, your life is going to change forever." And walked out the door.

As she slept that night, Sofia had a dream about her new mom and dad, and about what the nun said. She was only 3 at the time, but she knew what the nun said, it was true. Her life was about to be changed for the better, and forever. She couldn't imagine anything like this.

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