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Sofia woke up that morning completely forgetting what day it was. "Sofia! Wake up sweetheart, your new mom and dad are going to be here soon to come get you!" Sofia jumped out of bed and got dressed. She couldn't wait another minute to meet them! We're they going to be rich? Poor? Happy? Sad? Nice? Oh, she hoped they'd at least be nice. She ran pasted the other girls who were eating in the dining hall, past the statues in the hallways, and put into the meeting room. That's where she'd get picked up. Forever. Only minutes later, there was a knock at the orphanage door. The nuns rushed over and opened it. They then welcomed in a wealthy looking couple, also, young. But not too young. The woman was wearing a long, silk dress, with a buttoned up sweater, and a pearly necklace. The man, with slicked back hair and a goatee, tall, and handsome. Wearing a brand new watch. They also had with them a dog! Sofia didn't like dogs, they scared her. Sofia hid behind the nun, hoping the dog wouldn't notice her. "Now, now. You mustn't be afraid of the puppy. She won't hurt you! I'm certain." Said the nun. "It's ok, Sofia? Is it?" The woman said. "The dog won't hurt you, but I understand that you are afraid. Come, come pet her." Sofia shakily walked towards the couple and their dog, slowly approaching the dog. Sofia reached her hand out and closed her eyes. Something...slobbery...touched her hand. Sofia shrieked and jerked her hand away. The man let out a small chuckle. "Ah, she just licked you, Sofia! Don't worry, she likes you." He smiled. His smile made Sofia feel even just a bit better. She decided to take another stab at it, and she reached her hand out, this time with her eyes open. She giggled as she stroked the dogs back. They were going to get along just fine. "Is all her stuff ready Miss Julie?" Asked the woman, "Why of course. Right this way, Mrs. Potts."


"...this is a big car...I've never been in a long car before." Sofia said smiling, looking out the windows of the limousine. "It's called a limo. And I'm glad you like it, Sofia." Said the man. "My name is Tony." He said, "But if you want to, you can call me dad." Sofia looked at him, then at the floor. She missed the orphanage, she had friends there. But she knew that Tony was going to love her. "And my name is Pepper. But you can call me mom if you'd like." Sofia looked at her, she looked a lot like Julie, the head nun at the orphanage. Rosefield orphanage. "Are we almost there?" Sofia asked. "Almost." Tony said. "Almost."
They had just arrived at a building, multiple floors, and modern. "We're home!" Exclaimed Tony. "Here, Sofia. Grab your bag and let me show you where your new bedroom will be. We already have everything all set up and ready to go!" They walked through a network of hallways, but it would be easy to remember for Sofia, she'd always had a good memory. They finally got to a smallish room that was painted pink, there was a made bed, a closet, a dresser, everything she could need. "It's so pretty! I love it!" Shouted Sofia excitedly. Tony and Pepper smiled at each other. Tiny winked, and walked down to his workshop.

This, is where it all began. This, is where Sofia Stark, had her first real home. And this, is the story, of Tony Starks Daughter.

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