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I choked on my water when Sofia told me that Peter was coming. This was exactly what I didn't want to happen. And it...it happened anyway. I had to hurry, he'd probably be here any minute. "Steve! Sofia met Peter at school today and I need you to tell everyone to act like they don't know him. He's coming over to study with her. She can't find out who he is!" Steve nodded and ran to find everyone. The next thing I know, I'm standing in the doorway introducing myself to Peter. I'm just hoping he doesn't come to dinner. "So...wanna stay for dinner?" She asked him right as I left. No! This can't- it- if she finds out- I can't deal with this right now. This is the last thing I wanted for her.


I pull Peter aside to talk, "Peter! Come here!" He looks at me and walks toward me. "All the Avengers are going to be there, you realize that right?" I ask him. "Yes, Mr. Stark. Did you tell them to act like they don't recognize me?" He asked me. I nodded. I saw the turn of Sofia's head and wondered if she heard anything I had said to Peter, I hope she didn't. If she did, we could have a problem on our hands.

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