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"A poster? For homecoming?" Steve asks. "Yeah, I think he is going to be asking someone to the homecoming dance at his school!" Wanda replies, still excited. Natasha slowly and quietly sneaks up to Peter's room, and looks through the keyhole. Peter is making a sign. Ned, his best friend, is in there helping him. "Peter, do you think she'll say yes? I mean, what if she already has a date?" Ned says to Peter. "I'll get someone to ask about that. Don't worry! Plus, if she says no, I'll just ask someone else." He replies.

I'm so excited for homecoming this weekend! Sure, I'm not on the football team, I'd like to be, but I can't. I'm excited for the dance. I get to ask out a girl, and dance with her, and maybe hang out for longer. I don't know. But, I really hope this sign I'm making looks good. It says 'Will you go to homecoming with me?'. "Dude, she's gonna love it." I say to Ned. "Well, don't you think she won't like all the mushy stuff?" Ned asks me. "Chill out, who are you asking?" I ask Ned, looking up at him. "I already have a date!" He says proudly. "Wait what? Who? Please tell me it's not-" he cuts me off. "It's not. It's Betty!" He says, excitedly. Ned is as excited as I am for homecoming.

"Done." I say, adding the finishing touch to my sign. "I'm so exited to finally ask her to homecoming."

"Wanda? Nat? Where are you guys?" I yell throughout the house. Then, they come running down  the stairs like Morgan on Christmas morning. "What's going on?" I ask. They exchange a glance before talking. "Nothing!" They say in unison. "Right. Why were you looking through Peters keyhole?" I ask, suspiciously. "Wait- you guys were looking through my keyhole?" A voice says, undoubtedly Peter's, standing in the doorway. Wow. He looks...wow. Anyway that's besides the point. "What? No not me, Nat and Wanda were. Like, not even five minutes ago." I say, catching a glance at Ned who's smiling. "W-what did you see?" He asks, nervously. "Yeah, what did you guys see?" I say, still having my suspicions. "Peter, can we talk to you? Like, in the hallway or something?" Natasha says. Peter walks with Wanda and Nat to the hallway.

"We saw you making a homecoming sign, Peter. And we think we know the special...someone...it's for." They wink at me. Oh god...I didn't want anyone to know besides Ned, until I asked out my date. "Whatever, can you guys stay out of it until I ask her?" I ask them, pleadingly. I put my hands together as if praying, as a gesture to show them how much it will mean to me. "Fine." Wanda says. "Gosh, thank you." We walk back into the main area and I grab a glass of water before going upstairs to bed. "Ned, you should probably head home." He nods, and leaves. I run upstairs, knowing I've got school tomorrow. "Goodnight, kid." Mr. Stark says to me. I go into the restroom and begin brushing my teeth. *knock knock* "Come in!" I say, through a locked bathroom door. "It's locked you idiot." A familiar voice says. I unlock the door. "Okay, NOW come in you dummy." I reply. Sofia opens the door and comes in. "For a huge compound, there should be more bathrooms near the bedrooms." She says, chuckling.
She grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste from the holder. "I really don't want to go to chemistry tomorrow." She says. "Why not? I'll be there." I mutter. She continues. "The teacher- what's her face- gave me homework I didn't finish." She says, an upset look on her face.

"I'll help you." I blurt. "I mean- if you need help, that is." You idiot! She doesn't need your help. She's too smart for that. I grit my teeth. "That would be great, actually. I suck at Chem." She replies. I breath a heavy sigh of relief. She gives me a thoughtful look. "See you in the morning Pete. Goodnight!" She says, walking out the door. You are an idiot. The voice in my head says. She just feels pity for you. That's the only reason she wants to work with you. "Sofia!" I say, rushing into her bedroom. "Oh my god! Have you heard of knocking?!" She yells, running into her closet to hide. "Oh- I'm- I-" I stutter, turning away immediately. "What did you come in here for anyway?" She says, walking out with her pjs on. "I-" You are a pervert! The voice in my head says. "I can help you tomorrow at lunch." I say. She nods, and shoos me out. I jump into bed and cover myself.
I hear my door open with a creak. You are going to get killed. I shake it off, trying to close my eyes. It's here to kill you. It speaks again. No, no! Shut up....
"Peter...?" A small voice says, startling me back to reality. I sit up abruptly. "Morgan? What are you doing up?" I say, curious. "I had a bad dream...and I lost my stuffies." She says, in a hush, scared voice. Don't help her, she's just a kid. Tell her to piss off. "Want me to help you find them?" I say, ignoring the voices. She nods and we walk downstairs to where she was watching a movie. I pick up a elephant toy and hold it up. "Is this the one you want?" I ask, trying to quiet my mind. "Yes!" She yanks it out of my hands and hugs it tightly to her chest.
I hold her hand as we walk back to my room. "...Can I stay in here? Pwease? My room has monsters." She asks, in that cute little voice of hers. She's only going to annoy you. Don't let her, Peter! All you have to do is say no! I slap myself. "Of course." I say, scooping her up and putting her on my bed. I crawl in behind her, snuggling. "Better?" I ask, almost laughing. She's going to bother you It says again. I shake my head.

I wake to someone shaking my shoulder, but it doesn't feel like skin. "Hey, hey!" A deep voice whispers. "Oh my gosh you sleep like the dead. Wake up!" He says, louder now. I jolt awake, startled. "Son of a bitch!" I say, awakened from my dream. "Bucky? What's the matter? Last time you woke me up was when..." my voice trails off. When he had a nightmare about hydra. It happens...sometimes. "A nightmare?" I ask, not wanting to trigger anything. He just nods.
"Wanna talk about it?" Without answering, he plops down on my bed and begins. "It was a hydra agent, and...he- he said the words." The trigger words I think. Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, and freight car.
My mind flips through the words, memorizing them. Say them My mind urges me. Do it, he will kill you. You've always wanted that. It says. "Bucky, lay down. You won't get any sleep by yourself." I say. Meaning it. "Sofia...why do you ship Steve and I?" He asks. I sigh, and laugh a bit. "I mean, you guys would be such a cute couple-" he puts his hand to my mouth, silencing me. "A couple!? That's what that means?" He asks, very visibly confused. I lick his hand that's covering my mouth so he will let go. "Ew!" He yanks his hand away.
"Also, you are right," he says, my eyes widen. "About?" I ask, having to look up at him. "About me and Steve being a good couple." He says. My mouth drops open. "Are you-" I begin. He silences me again. "Shhh."

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