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I wake up to bright streaks of light coming through my bedroom window. My homecoming dress hanging in my closet. Taunting me.
I feel a lot better than when I was...well...in the hospital. I'm pretty sure a blow to the head by Thor's hammer should have killed me- but I don't know what Zemo did to me. It made me stronger.
"Knock knock, it's Bucky. Can I come in?" Bucky asks through my closed door. "Yeah- I just woke up so I look like shit." I say with a laugh. He opens the door and walks in. "So...homecoming. Do you have a date?" He asked, looking at my dress. I hadn't really been focusing on that since, well, you know, and the whole thing with Mj and Peter. "Uh, well, no." I say, struggling to find the words. "Well I'm sure I know some people who would KILL to be your date." Uhh I think he just winked at me? "Bucky- you have a boyfriend!" He laughs at my comment. "I didn't mean me, stupid!" He laughs. Well then who the heck could he mean? "Ok..well then who are you talking about?" I ask, looking up at him with confusion. "Ok, let's see." He starts counting on his fingers. I roll my eyes at him and scoff. "Thor, Loki, Pietro, Natasha-" I cut him off. "Wait- did you just say Natasha?!" He looks at me. "Uh, yes?" I start to blush. "H-how did you know she'd want to go with me?" I ask, a bit embarrassed. He tells me how he knows which is kind of a long story. "Well tell Nat, to get something together for tomorrow night." I say, nervous to see Bucky's reaction. His eyes widen and his mouth drops quite literally to the floor. "Wait- are you serious? Like- you're not joking!?" He is more exited than I am. He runs downstairs and I'm assuming he talks to Natasha.

I walk downstairs to where breakfast is being made by Scott. "Morning!" He says cheerfully. "Morning, Scott!" I say. "Pancakes will be ready soon." He tells the group. I sit down at the table with everyone else. Nat keeps looking at me, and finally, she pulls me aside.
"Is this because you want to get back at Peter or because you want to go with me?" She asks. Wow, okay, she got straight to the question. "Oh- uh..well I want to go with you AND get back at Peter...are you okay with that?" I ask. She nods excitedly. We both go back to sit down. A few minutes later, breakfast is ready and Peter comes down from his room. I avert my gaze to the pancakes in front of me. "Wow, Scott! These look amazing!" Clint exclaimed.

Everyone is helping clear the table when Peter gets up to answer his phone. Being the nosy person I am, I follow him. He goes into his bedroom and locks his door.
"Ned, I don't think I can do this." He says. I can't hear what Ned is saying, but Peter keeps talking. "Dude, I've already hurt her. She won't forgive me if I go with Mj!" He says. "No- I- no one knows." What does he mean 'no one knows'? I head him walking towards the door and I leap into the nearest room.
"AAAAHHHHH" someone screams from behind me. I turn around and realize it's Steve. It looks like he just got out of the shower because he only has on a towel. "Get out get out get out!!!" He yells. I run out of the room and into mine. 'What the heck just happened-' I think to myself.

I get a call from Ned and I excuse myself from the table. I go into my room and lock the door. "Ned?" I say. "This plan is amazing! It will definitely make Sofia jealous and she will want you." He says. I immediately start feeling guilty. I only asked Mj out because I wanted Sofia to be jealous...but I feel bad about it. "Ned, I don't think I can do this." I say. "Why not? It's perfect, and-" he starts. "Dude, I've already hurt her. She won't forgive me if I go with Mj!" I say. "Just...go with her and see what happens. Does anyone know?" He asks me. I think about it. Does anyone know why I asked Mj out? "No- I- no one knows." I hang up and start walking towards the door. I hear someone run into a room and a door slam. "AAAAHHHHH!" I hear someone scream. I shrug. It's probably nothing since living here is SO chaotic.

Today is homecoming. I am still going with Mj, but I don't want to. I get out of bed and decide to skip breakfast. I sit in my room looking at my tux. I even got her a corsage...
I text Mj.

Me: hey :) I'm exited for tonight
Mj: me too :)
Mj: Is Sofia there? I want to ask if we should get ready together.
Me: uhhh, I don't know where she is. But you can text her?
Mj: ok, thanks! See you soon ;)

Jesus- I feel horrible.

I go into my room to get some things ready for tonight. I bought Nat a corsage because...I kind of do like her. I know this is to make Peter jealous- but I do.
I got a text from Mj. I pick up my phone and scoff.

Mj: hey! Wanna come over and get ready for homecoming together??
Me: sounds like fun- but I don't think I'll make it tonight :(
Mj: awww why not?
Me: I feel pretty sick
Mj: oh, sorry! Feel better!

I shut off my phone.
Jealousy, jealousy
I go downstairs and get Wanda to do my hair. We are sitting in my room as she is curling my hair. "So...Nat, huh?" She smiles. "I guess so, I know this is to make Peter jealous, but I kind of like her." She stops what she's doing and looks at me in the mirror. "If you only want to make Peter jealous, don't get attached." She says. "I didn't mean to come off rude or protective, but she's my bestie and I know she wants revenge on Peter. We all do." We both laugh. She finishes with my hair and she moves onto my nails. "So, who's helping with Nat?" I ask her. "Carol is." She replies. I nod my head. I glance over at my dress which is still hanging there.

Carol straightens my hair which is a bit ironic- if you know what I mean.
I never got to go to a high school dance...or any dance for that matter. So this is pretty exiting for me! I don't have feelings for Sofia, I know she's meant to be with Peter. I just know it. "Do you think this will work?" I ask Carol. She smiles. "Of course I do! Peter and Sofia are meant to be together." That's reassuring. I nod and go back to scrolling on TikTok.

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