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It's 7:30 in the morning. And Loki is standing in my bedroom trying to wake me up. "Jesus Christ, what's going on? I'm awake! I'm awake!" I screamed as Loki shook me. "You're going to be late." He said, "For what!? What's so urgent to had to shake me awake?" I asked him. "I was making sure you weren't dead! Your welcome! Puny mortal... you have school and Peter is picking you up." Right. I forgot about that. Peter is picking me up to take me to school today because...my mom asked him to. My dad signed me up for an extra curricular class after school, and I don't know why, he didn't want me home for when him and everyone would be training. And Peter is busy after school. "Loki..did you just call me PUNY?" I yelled. Suddenly his face went white. He shrieked and started running. "YOU BETTER RUN!" I screamed as I chased him downstairs and almost knocked over Steve. "Watch where your going, kid. Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" Steve asked me. "Yeah but Loki called me puny." I told him. "Well then go get him!" Steve yelled, I smirked and started chasing Loki again. Well, until I crashed into my dad. "Go get dressed Sofia! Peter is picking you up in twenty minutes!" He said. Dammit, he's always ruining the fun. I still love him though. I went back upstairs and got dressed. I put on some black leggings, a cropped, pale pink t-shirt, and ran downstairs just as the doorbell rang. "I got it." Nat said as she reached for the doorknob. She opened the door and there Peter was, notebook in hand, and wearing his backpack. "Ready to go?" He asked me. "Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled and we walked out the door. I waved behind me to everyone.

"So...how has your morning been?" He asked me with his eyes on the road. "Well...for starters, Loki shook me awake and called me puny, then I almost trampled Steve, and then proceeded to run into my dad. So, it was good!" He got a kick out of that one, and we just laughed the rest of the way there.

I walk into math, my least favorite subject. I suck at it. But Peter is my partner, so it's all good. After school today, I was going to tell him how I feel about him. That I like him. A lot. But he's got stuff to do, but he wouldn't tell me what. My dad has training with all the Avengers back at home, so I'm thinking, skip extra curricular activity and surprising dad while they're training.
"Sofia! Come sit with us." Mj yelled at me from across the cafeteria. I nearly dropped my lunch running over there. I sat down next to Mj, across from Peter and Ned. "Peter, why won't you tell me what your doing after school? All four of us could hang out." I told them. "Doesn't your dad have training? And Peter has something he won't tell us. So, Peter, please. Enlighten us." Mj said, staring at Peter. "I told you, I can't tell you." Peter said. Like that makes sense. "You know what, it's fine. Peter, it's fine." I said to Peter. He looked kinda hurt that he couldn't tell us. "Ned, what are you doing later?" I asked. He looked at Peter before answering, I still don't know why. "Uh, nothing really. Just...hanging out." I nodded silently. "Well I'm done with lunch. I'm going to go wait in Chem. See you soon Pete." I excused myself from the table and walked to chemistry class.

I sat down and noticed there was another person in the room with me. "Hey, I never noticed you were in this class before." He turned his head and smiled. It was the person I saw on the first day. The one who looked like a jerk. "Flash. You must be Sofia. 'Sofia Stark' daughter of the billionaire." I just glared at him. I. Hate. His. Guts.
The rest of the students came in and Peter sat down next to me. A little bit into class, Peter was making some sort of concoction in the drawer... "Peter? What is that? What are you making?" I asked while trying to peer over his shoulder. "Nothing! It's...it's nothing." He said and closed the drawer before I could see. He's getting really suspicious. I'm going to find out why.
I arrive at the extra curricular, it's just a bunch of bored looking kids including Mj...just sitting here. Looks like Mj is scratching people. That's just what she does. "What are you in for?" Some kid asks me. "This isn't jail idiot." I reply. Mj let's put a small laugh and continues sketching. I decide to move over and sit by Mj. "Sofia? I didn't know you liked this....whatever this is." She said. "I don't. My dad has...you know. And Peter is who knows, and my dad just dropped me here. So I didn't have a choice." I said. "Between you and me, I'm just gonna leave." I whisper to Mj. She silently nods. I quietly get up, and grab my stuff. I walk out the door. I pull out my phone and text Peter.

you: Extra curricular, boring
you: Peter?
you: I'm going back to the compound btw see you tomorrow


I'm at training with Mr. Stark and the Avengers. I shut my phone off so that Sofia or May don't text me. Sofia's at extra curricular, and I hope she doesn't decide to leave early. I'm going hand-to-hand with Bucky and my arms are starting to get sore. I hold up the sign which means to stop, and we take a breather. It's been a long day and I hate having to lie to my best friend, Sofia, but it's to keep the truth safe. I like her. I was going to confess today, but then Mr. Stark told me I had to come train. "Mr. Stark, what time did you say Sofia was going to be home?" I ask. "Uh like, 6? I don't know. But she won't see you, I promise." Just then, the door of the training room swings open, and I'm wearing my suit, but my mask is off.

I use my key to unlock the door of the compound and I go to see my dad. He's training with the avengers in the training room. It's locked, as usual. But I unlock it. I opened the door and I see... "PETER!? What do you think- oh my god, what are you doing here? Why are you dressed like- dad what is going on?" I shout at them and start to cry. I crumble to my knees and put my face in my palms. "Sofia- please! It's not- it isn't what it looks like!" Whats that supposed to mean!? "How!? You lied to me Peter!" And I stormed out of there.

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