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I'm glad, because Sofia said she didn't hear Steve say "I think Peter has a crush" and all that stuff. Or, at least I hope she was telling the truth. I'm pretty sure she forgives me though, because she's talking to me again. I like her. Like, I really, really like her and I'm planning on telling her tonight! I'm thinking I could take her to my room after dinner and just...tell her, but I'm not sure. I've been living at the compound for a week or so, and it's pretty cool. I found out that they play games every now and then, and I'm really hoping they won't tonight because it will mess up my plan.

I forgive Peter. I'm pretty sure he knows that, but I'm going to tell him how I feel and...well, that I forgive him, tonight after dinner. We usually play games after dinner on these types of nights when things are a bit tense, but I'm hoping my dad and Steve don't start a game. It will mess up everything!

My mom made steak for dinner, her steak is amazing. She has this special meat sauce she uses and it's so good! Everyone's enjoying it, which means Peter will be in a good mood for me to tell him later. I start picking at my nails under the table. I do that when I'm nervous, and Bruce seems to notice. He eyes me with kind of a "are you ok?" Sorta look. I just nod. But...I'm super nervous. Will Peter walk away? Will he say it back? All these thoughts swarm my head, and I excuse myself to the restroom.
I hear someone knock on the door. "It's me, Natasha." Nat says. "Come in..." I say stiffly. She slowly opens the door, and comes in and closes it again. "I noticed you were picking at your nails again at dinner, is everything ok? I thought we did an exercise to rid that habit." She says. She's right, we did do a calming thingy that's supposed to get rid of nail picking/biting. "I'm- I'm fine Nat. Really." She gives me the side eye. "Really? Wanda told me about your plan." She says with a slight smile. Wha- what? I didn't tell Wanda. "I- I uh, I don't know what your talking about." I turn my head up and over.
She then says, "Wanda read your mind. I know you told her not to do that at dinner, but she couldn't help it. Don't be nervous, Peter is probably going to say it back." I look at her with hopeful eyes. "You think so?" She nods.

"Who's up for a little truth or dare?" Steve asks. I sigh, but not enough for anyone to notice, I hear Sofia sigh a bit too, I guess she doesn't care for truth or dare. "Sure!" Most people say. I don't say anything. Sofia looks at me for a split second before I notice, and then she quickly turns her head away, embarrassed. She blushed. We all sit down in the den, and we get ready to play. "Alright, so we're going to use a bottle to determine who asks who what. For example, if I spin the bottle, and it lands on Vision, then I would ask the question and he would answer, then he'd spin it and so on and so forth." Bucky explains. I nod and sit down next to Pietro. Bucky goes first, and it lands on Natasha. "Alright, Nat. Truth or dare?" He asks. "Dare." She says without hesitating. Bucky smirks and rubs his hands together. "I dare you to....." then Pietro gets up and whispers in Bucky's ear. Bucky smirks again and Pietro sits back down, smiling. "I dare you to kiss the most good looking person in the room." Someone laughed and Natasha smiles and stands up. She scans everyone's faces and she decides. She walks over to Steve, then swerves in the other direction. I laugh and so does everyone else, including Steve. "Ah, come on!" Steve laughs. She then walks over to Sofia and Mr. Stark starts to get up and Mrs. Potts puts her hand over his chest, making him sit. Natasha then kisses Sofia. Sofia blushes, and Natasha sits back down. Mrs. Potts winks at Sofia, and Sofia rolls her eyes.
Then it's Natasha's turn. She spins the bottle.....and it lands on me! "Truth or dare, Parker?" She asks me. I think for a minute... "Truth." I say, then I realized what she could ask me. I instantly regretted it. "Alright...we've got a brave one here," she paused to think. "Hm...who do you like?" She asks. I can't help but let out a small gasp. "Uh...nobody?" What the hell is wrong with me? I said it like a question! Steve bites his lip while smiling a bit, and shakes his head slightly. So I spin the bottle and it lands on Sofia, convenient. "Uhm...truth or dare?" I say awkwardly. "Dare!" She says a bit too loud. "Jesus Christ Sof! Calm down!" Bruce says, laughing. She laughed and looks at me. "I dare you to...put my suit on and try it out." I say. She lets out an exited little gasp and looks at her dad for approval. He laughs, smiles, and nods. "I mean, if Peter lets you, go ahead. By all means." He says approvingly. Sofia jumps up and down with excitement, "Oh my god! I actually get to wear a suit!" I love how exited she is. I run to my room and grab my Spider-Man suit. I hand it to her and she runs to her bedroom to put it on. She comes back out, and it fits her like a glove. A glove, a little bit too big, but it's adorable. She shooed the web shooters and accidentally sticks Steve's shield to the wall. "Oops...sorry Steve!" She says. He laughs and yanks it off the wall.

"Sofia?" I whip my head around, smacking Peter with my hair. "My bad!" I say touching his face with my hand, "My bad, again." I blush and take my hand off his face. He laughs. "It's fine, can I show you something in my room?" Perfect! Now is my chance to tell him. We'll go to his room, and I'll tell him after he shows me whatever he was going to show me. He leads me to his bedroom, and closes the door. I look at him with confusion. What's he showing me? "Sofia...I have to tell you something." I tilt my head. "Yeah, what is it? You can tell me anything. I'm your best girl!" I say. Nobody says 'best girl'. Ugh, I'm such an idiot. "I meant best friend. Not best girl, nobody says that." I say, trying to laugh it off. He smiles and continues. "Sofia... I like you. Like, I really like you. Like-" I stop him from saying anything else. "Shhh....your getting awkward again. That's what I was going to tell you, I like you too Peter." His eyes widen in surprise. "Really? Wait your being one hundred percent serious right now?" I nod while having the biggest smile on my face.

What happened next, was an impulse. I didn't mean to- it just felt like it was the right thing to break the silence.
I kissed her, why!? We'd only just said we liked each other, and I freaking kissed her. What is wrong with me. She kissed me back, and suddenly I don't feel awkward anymore. We pull apart and she looks in my eyes. "I'm going to go downstairs and make some brownies with Loki, want to help?" I have no words. I just nod silently. She leaves the room and I start jumping around my room. At one point I think I got stuck on my ceiling...anyway...
I get downstairs and Loki is covered in flour. I start laughing so hard, I almost fall down the stairs. "Wha- what happened?" I ask through laughs. Sofia's already laughing and trying to get the flour off Loki. "The midgaurdian girl was surprised my me scaring her, and she flung flour all over me." I start laughing even more!

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