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"Sofia! Wait! Please, listen!" Peter yelled ad he ran after Sofia. "Why should I? You lied to me, you were with my dad, and...you're....Spider-Man!?" Sofia yelled back. "Look, I'm sorry!" He said trying to catch up. "So I guess you lied about the internship too huh?" Peter hung his head, "Sofia..." his voice trailed off and he lifted his head with tears in his eyes. Sofia was already crying because she thought there were no more lies.


I ran out the doors, mask in hand, suit on. I chased Sofia through the hallways of the compound until she ran out the front doors. "Sofia! Wait! Please, listen!" I screamed. I didn't want her to hate me, because I still like her. I started tearing up, but I know if I cried it would make her overthink. "Im sorry!" I yelled but I didn't think I could do anything to help my situation. "Sorry for...?!" She yelled back at me. I know she's hurt by all this, but "it was for the best, ok? Your dad wanted to keep you safe!" I told her. She then got in her car and drove off. Just leaving me outside like a sad, alone, crying teenager.


I burst through the doors trying to get to my bedroom but Peter was following me. How could I trust him? How could I trust my dad? Any of them? What else are they hiding? "Sofia....wait, please!" Peter yelled from behind me. I kept running. Tears streaming like waterfalls down my face, I didn't know where to go, but I had to leave. Now. "Peter, just leave me alone!" I turned and yelled. "You lied to me, and so did my dad." I said. "He was only lying to protect you! And so was I!" He yelled back. I just glared right into his eyes. Brown...but so pretty. No time to admire him, I'm mad at him. 'Sofia, you're mad at him. Act like your mad!' I thought while running to my dads car. "Peter, I swear to god if you follow me..." I said trying to catch my breath after running that whole way. I know he's gonna follow me. My dad and Sam burst out of the doors. "Sofia! Wait, we need to talk about the kid!" I started crying more, and I just started the car. "Sofia! Wait, Tony, does she even have a drivers license?" Sam asked, looking at my dad. He just did that annoyed laugh and rolled his eyes. "Nope. No she doesn't."

I'm just driving now. I don't know where, I don't want to know where. I'm trying to process every5ing going on. What was Peter making in chemistry that he didn't want me to see? Another secret. I let my hair flow through the wind. There was an upcoming beach so I parked there. I got out of the car and got a picnic blanket. I put it down on the sand and says down. My phone was buzzing like crazy, my dad, my mom, Wanda, and Peter.

Peter: SOFIA!!!
Peter: sorry all caps, my bad
Peter: Sofia please! Answer my phone calls right now
Peter: you do realize there is a tracker in your phone, right? We're on our way

A tracker? Since when? Fine. Let them come find me. I don't care. That doesn't mean I have to talk to them though.


We all piled into three cars and looked at the tracker on Mr. Starks phone. Steve has it, Bucky has it, nearly everyone tracks Sofia's phone. It makes sense, but doesn't. "Where is she?" I asked Mr. Stark. "She's...at the beach. Her favorite place as a kid." He replied. We pulled into the parking lot of the beach and like Mr. Stark said, there was the car she took. I jumped out and started running to the sand. "Sofia!" I screamed. She was sitting on the beach on a picnic blanket. "Sofia?" I said. "What?" She snapped, and turned her head quickly. I stepped back, a bit startled. "I'm sorry for lying to you. So is everyone else." I calmly told her. She just scoffed. "Just leave me alone. Please, Peter." She looked at me, with anger and sadness in her eyes. I turned and walked to the cars. "She'll come back, eventually." Steve said, reassuringly. I nodded and got in the car. "Peter, if you want, you could stay at the compound." Mr. Stark told me. Suddenly, I was smiling, "But, what about May?" I asked him. "I'll call her and tell her you got an internship here, and, you're staying." I smiled and nodded. Then I remembered about something. "What about Sofia, when she sees me staying here she will flip out." Mr. Stark looked at me, "It's gonna be fine. She'll have to get used to it. You can have the guest room next to hers. You've seen it before." Next to hers? She's going to be so mad, but only for a little bit. It's- it's like we'll be dorm-mates things. I'm exited to live with the avengers, how cool is that?
We get back to the tower and Sofia apparently beat us home.

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