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"Peter? What the hell are you doing here?" Sofia asked, a hint of anger in her tone. "Mr. Stark...he invited me to live here..." Peter replied, afraid of what she'd say. "Live here!? Is he crazy?" Sofia mumbled to herself as she stormed off to her bedroom. *bang* "What was that?" Wanda asked, in battle stance. "Sofia slamming her door." Peter's mouth narrowed into a thin line as he sat down on the sofa. "You should go talk to her." Bucky said, patting Peter on the shoulder. Peter looked up at him, with big eyes. "You think? What would I say?" Bucky smiled, and sat down.

What was Peter even doing here? "Live with you guys...." was all I heard. Then I stormed off. Someone was gonna talk Peter into coming to talk to me. But I texted Mj instead.

You: Did you know?!
Mj: ...know what
You: that Peter doesn't have an internship
Mj: wait...you found out...didn't you
You: SO YOU KNEW and didn't tell me? What the hell man!
Mj: sorry! He didn't want me or Ned to tell anyone
You: *added ned*
Ned: hi
You: how could you guys not tell me Peter was Spiderman?
Ned:...so you saw him training?
Mj: yeah. *deleted Ned from chat*
You: seriously 😐 I'm going to kill Peter

I turned off my phone and lie on my bed. "Hey..it's me. Can I come in?" Peter says, knocking on my bedroom door. "No." I said. "Mj and Ned? You told them? But not me..." he was quiet, but I knew he was still standing there. "I'm sorry. And about everything I've done. I'm...beyond sorry." He said through the door. "Sorry won't cut it." I snap at him. He's silent again. I think I made him sad... but he lied to me! This lie was just....ugh. "Peter just please leave me alone." I hear him walk away from the door. "I just don't want to see you for a while. But that's going to be impossible because you live at the compound." I say. I hear him shuffle away. "I hate my life..." I mumble. Suddenly, Peter stops walking away and opens the door. "What did you just say?" He asks, worriedly. "Go away you stalker!" I yell. I hear laughs coming from downstairs. "You said you hate yourself!" He yells back. "Shut up! I told you to go away! I never want to see you again!" I didn't mean to say that. It- it just came out.

"Shut up! I told you to go away! I never want to see you again!" ..Did she really mean that? Is she that mad at me? My lip starts to tremble as I run downstairs heading for the front door. "Kid, where are you going?" Mr. Stark yells. "Sofia never wants to see me again...so I'm leaving!" I yelled at him. I think I'm going to Aunt May's apartment, but I just keep going. I run up to the door of the compound. "Wait!" Mr. Stark yells. I whip my head around and see him quickly walking towards me. "Kid, don't do this. It will only break her more." He says. Tears start to fill with tears. "You need to show Sofia that you're willing to stay at the compound. I've seen the way you look at her." Steve tells me. Mr. Stark looks at Steve funny. "What did you say?" He summons his armor. Steve picks up his shield. "Woah woah woah! Tony calm down. All I said was I've seen the way Peter looks at your daughter." Steve says calmingly. "And what's that supposed to mean!?" Mr. Stark says. "Don't tell him, Mr. Rodgers! Please, I'm begging you." I say. Why does Steve have to notice everything? "Kid, stay out of this. The adults are talking." Mr. Stark says. He- he said that to me in space. "Didn't you say that to me on the-" and I get cut off by Steve. "Tony, all I'm saying is I think Peter has a little...crush...on Sofia! That's all." Suddenly I heard a small laughing coming from the stairs, I looked over and I didn't see anyone. From my angle...

I finally decide to come out and apologize to Peter. All of a sudden I hear yelling coming from downstairs. Starting to have second thoughts about coming down, I sneak down the stairs. There is...let's see. Peter, standing in the middle of my dad and Steve, holding out his hands to my dads chest, who is for some reason wearing his suit? And then I hear what all the commotion is about. "All I'm saying is I think Peter has a little crush on Sofia!" I try so hard to hold in my laugh. "That's all." Steve says to my dad. "That's all!? THATS ALL!?" My dad yells. I can't help but start laughing. I duck behind some boxes of Peters stuff so they don't see me. I see Peter look over to where I am but I don't think he noticed me. I'm just going to take a wild guess, but I don't think my dad likes the idea of Peter liking me.
The second they're not looking, I run upstairs and grab my phone.

Mj: ? Spill ?
You: ok so I think Peter likes me back!
Mj: ooo wait how?
You: I think Peter's coming, talk later

Just then Peter walks into my room. "Whatcha doin?"he asks. "I was just, uh, texting Mj." He smiles and nods. "So...did you hear the argument between Mr. Stark and Steve?" I nod. "Look, Peter, I just wanted to apologize for-" he cuts me off. "You have every right to be mad at me. Ok? And about what you probably heard downstairs..." he trails off. I laugh. "I didn't hear anything other than what my dad was yelling about. Why?" I lie to him. He shakes his head, "Oh, no reason. Nothing." He says. I frown because he's laying. But in his defense, I was too. I did hear Steve say that stuff.
But Peter doesn't need to know that.

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