The Toxic Lake of Lies

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Where.......where am I?

My head hurts so bad.....

Just open your eyes...... you fool

Sangwoo opened his eyes to see that he was in his own basement, tied up and bloody.

What the fuck happened?

"YOONBUM! YOONBUM! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? YOONBUM GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Sangwoo pulled on the rope that contained him as he yelled out for his boyfriend.

"Relax, I've just woken up. But how are you dear?" Yoonbum walked down the steps with a cup in his hand, along with a towel.

"You motherfucker! This isn't how you do it, not even a little bit! Now why?" Sangwoo glared at Yoonbum who smiled and walked around him.

"I wasn't planning this, until I sat in court and I knew Seungbae was going to jail on crimes he did and didn't commit. Now if I was up there, would you tell them...... that you did all those crimes, and I would claim I had Stockholm Syndrome and 'loved you' so I did it for you, would you? No. You would sit there and let me take the fall, you selfish bitch. I love you- hell, I hate you now. And it's not fair. Not fair how I have to sit here when I just could do this". Yoonbum turned the cup over and poured the contents onto Sangwoo's thigh.

"OW! IT BURNS! FUCK! OWW!" Sangwoo screamed and screamed in agony as the hot water pierced his skin and caused a burn that would be there forever.

"Now, sit there and think about what you have done". Yoonbum threw the towel at Sangwoo and walked upstairs, leaving Sangwoo to cry through the pain.

It's not going to end like this..... it'll never end like this. And I know I can survive. I know I can.

**In Sangwoo's dream**

"Oh! That tickles!" could you? Dad is working and you're cheating...

"Sangwoo... you remind me so much of your're so alike......"

Don't tell me

"I've been so lonely!"! MOM STOP!


Sangwoo tugged onto the pole, finding that he couldn't escape the rope. He yelled and tugged with all of his might, seeing that he had no success.

I've taught him everything. He could even kill me and no one would know. No one.

Sangwoo observed his basement. Yoonbum had put up pictures of the two, then threw knives at them. Things were discarded everywhere, and Sangwoo's clothing was in a corner, sporting the sweat stains he had from a day before. Sangwoo's hair was fully black now, and his physique was better. So why couldn't he escape?

"I'm back Sangwoo. And look-"

Yoonbum pushed a man down into the basement, making him fall onto his face and crush his glasses under his weight. The man sat up, looking around and started to cry.

"Don't's your 'lover' to comfort you". Yoonbum dragged the man by his collar over to the pole to where Sangwoo was being held.

"Sangwoo, this is Mister Yen. Don't you remember him? The man you flirted with in front of my face and made me look like a fool? The one who-"

Yoonbum smacked the man in the back of the head, making the man cry.

"Showed you those card tricks and then I had to get a cab home and find you cuddled up next to him. What a waste!" Yoonbum sighed and walked over to the dryer.

"You know, I could do what I've been wanting to do. But- I won't". Yoonbum pulled out the very same tools Sangwoo used to kill the very first woman Sangwoo had killed in front of Yoonbum.

"Now, while I have these cleaned, disinfected, and sterilized, I want you guys to play a game. A classic game, with these cards". Yoonbum slid the cards to Sangwoo, who picked them up.

"5 rounds. Plus a bonus if I'm not back soon. I want you to keep a tally of who wins each round. Whoever loses, dies". Yoonbum giggled and walked up the stairs, leaving the two to start their game.

"Well, I wouldn't call this a pleasant meeting- but I hope one of us wins".

"I hope so too. Now, let's begin".

The game started. Round 1 was nerving almost, having Sangwoo on the edge of puking. But he kept it down. The two men were close, but one succeeded above the other. Round 1 closed. They called it a good game and continued onto Round 2. Sangwoo recalled the night he took the man home.

Mmm..... you're such a good kisser........

I'm an even better person in bed.........

**Sangwoo's POV:**

I smiled at the thought of the night I had with his man. We didn't have any sex of course, because he fell asleep before I could even take off my pants. I took off my pants and shirt and put my arms around him. I heard the door open, hearing Yoonbum's sniffles. I sighed and fell asleep, but not before looking over my shoulder and seeing Yoonbum cry in the doorway.

**back to the present**

Sangwoo and the man continued onto Round 3, this time Sangwoo was sure he would win this round. The man had previously won round 1 and round 2, which made Sangwoo angry and uneasy. They sealed the cards and started the game. Sangwoo kept his eyes on the man's cards, hoping he didn't have the winning combination.

"Yes!" Sangwoo yelled out triumphantly, smiling and throwing a fist into the air. He had finally won a round, and was hoping for more victories.


It felt as if the mood shifted when the two were on the 5th round, nearing the end. Suddenly, Yoonbum's footsteps could be heard on the creaky steps of the basement.

"Oh my, you're on the fith round, and the tally?" Yoonbum asked the two. The man was shaking when he handed Yoonbum the paper that held their tally.

"So two rounds each? Alright, I'll let you play the bonus round". Sangwoo looked at his boyfriend in pure shock.

Where did he get this from? This isn't him at all

"Go ahead. I want to see you". Yoonbum unsheathed the knife and admired it, smiling.

Sangwoo and the man reshuffled the cards and started on their bonus round. The man kept shaking, tears coming out of his eyes. Sangwoo kept his breathing under control, but his nerves were getting the best of him. His eyes began to water, making it hard to see the cards.

"Ok, it's done. Now let's see.........I declare the winner to be......... Sangwoo!" Yoonbum smiled and skipped around the basement, laughing.

"Say sayonara four eyes!"

And with that, Yoonbum delivered one fatal slice to the man's cartoid artery, causing blood to gush out. The man held his neck, trying to stop the blood from coming out. Yoonbum placed a trash bag and some cloth over the man's head, and left the man alone. 4 minutes of suffering and smothering, the man finally let out his last struggling breath.

"Clean this up won't you? You're an expert at it anyway"

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