The Past in the Wall

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*mentions of murder, well, this whole part has mentions of murder. This also contains an issue that is in the LGBTQ+ community, which is the murders of trans people all over. Those pour souls were never meant to go so soon, and we are still facing this problem in today's society. We must protect trans lives and every life. TRANS LIVES MATTER! LGBTQIA+ LIVES MATTER! BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER!- From introvert_quarantine*

Yoonbum woke up to the sound of Sangwoo humming. He got up from the bed and walke for the kitchen. Sangwoo was cooking eggs on the stove, music playing softly.

"Good morning baby" Sangwoo said to Yoonbum. Yoonbum came up to Sangwoo and hugged him tightly from behind.

"Why are you in such a cheery mood this morning?" Yoonbum asked Sangwoo.

"Well, I went to your sisters room, and we talked about how she wanted you guys uncle to be killed. She wants him tortured, and possibly starved. She'll even get him to come to our house. Isn't that great Bum?" Sangwoo smiled at Yoonbum and finished off the eggs.

"What do you want to do?" Sangwoo asked Yoonbum.

"It's hard figuring that out. I don't know what I want to do. It's a mutiple of things that I want to do. I most importantly want to make that fucker pay for everything that he has ever done to us, but I also want to put him in prison. But prison fails us everytime and I hate it so much. So I'm going with the torturing thing. But let me do the torturing and also my sister, if she wants to" Yoonbum said to Sangwoo.

"Alright, so how are you tying him up? Legs chained up, mouth gagged? Tied to the pole on the cold, hard floor? What are you gonna do?" Sangwoo asked Yoonbum.

"Tied to the pole like that woman?". Yoonbum looked at Sangwoo with hatred in his eyes.

"What woman? You okay Bum?". Sangwoo backed up to the counter, leaning on it.

"I'm genuinely concerned. What are you talking about?" Sangwoo asked Yoonbum.

"That woman you had tied up in the basement while I first moved in with you. I crept down and saw you talking to her. I'm not stupid, I may be older than you and smaller, but I'm not stupid. You killed that woman, and that shirt was hers, wasn't it?" Yoonbum said.

"Bum, you weren't supposed to know about her. At all, how- how did you find out?" Sangwoo looked at Yoonbum and sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair.

"I crept down the stairs one time while you weren't at home and I saw her, tied up, naked. Afraid. Scared. I was scared for her and myself once I knew, but I kept in for so long, and it hurt me. Then when you poured that water on me, I knew. I knew that you were evil and a monster. But how can a monster treat someone with so much respect?" Yoonbum walked to the other side of the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Bum- I'm sorry Bum. I should've told you earlier. Please, please don't leave me. I love you so much Bum". Sangwoo wrapped his arms around Yoonbum, and tears began to fall. Yoonbum held Sangwoo as he cried, looking off to the wall.

Guess it's true when they say even the strong ones can be weak.

"I'm so numb by this, you know. I thought my uncle was bad, then I met you. I though you were the love of my life, and you still are. But I had to change my mind on what true love is, and it's you and me. But the thing is, when I changed my mind, I still had doubt about it. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry for even getting into the murders. I feel as I should be somewhere else, but I can't be anywhere else. I have to be by your side Sangwoo". Bum sighed and put his head up.

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