Not A Member of Mine

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Yoonbum sat in the basement, watching Sangwoo cut his uncle with a sharp knife on his foot. He passed a liquor bottle to his sister, who took a sip of it and sighed. It had been four days since they started torturing their uncle, and four days since Yoonbum and Sangwoo rekindled their love for one another. Cho-Hee would yell at her uncle, saying the harshest words to him, and he would sob and say,

"Please stop. Please"

But they wouldn't listen. They continued to sing and smoke, drink and laugh as Yoonbum's uncle suffered cuts, scratches, and hot water. He got a few punches form Sangwoo, and a couple of smacks from Yoonbum and his sister. It was an hourly thing, Yoonbum's uncle getting tortured, and only fed scraps and bits from food that they bought. They relished in the fact that their uncle was feeling the same way they were feeling all those years ago. And every night, Sangwoo and Yoonbum would make out with bottles scattered over the floor.

It was a momentous moment for the two, and a lively moment for sister Cho-Hee, who would care for her son and torture her uncle, separating the two by changing clothing before coming and going. Meanwhile..........

Yang Seungbae sat under a bridge, holding a picture of his son and his girlfriend, with a gun aimed at a woman who was tied up and naked.

"Listen, I must aplogize. I'm going through things right now. I'm suspecting that my girlfriend is cheating on me and I have no clue where my child may be. I'm alone in this world right now. So, for comfort-

Seungbae cocked the gun and looked at the woman.

"Your dead body will be my warmth". Seungbae pointed the gun at the woman's foot and shot her foot, hearing her muffled screaming. He sighed and walked over to her, brushing her hair aside from her face.

"Give me I want! They're all so needy, you know? And I'm sitting here taking care of dead bodies when I really keep them as treasures in my house" Seungbae said. The woman cried as Seungbae stepped on her foot, twisting and turning his foot so that the bullet would lodge in deeper, and deeper.

"Now I would leave you here, but your car is right there, so let's go"


Yoonbum stared at his uncle, who had blood coming from his nose and forehead. Yoonbum sighed and looked at his sleeping sister, curled up in the corner. He got up from the floor and walked over to his uncle.

"Have you had enough?" Yoonbum smirked at his uncle and lifted his head up, pointing a knife at his uncle's neck.

"Please......please stop this. What did I do to deserve this? I did nothing! So please.....let me go!" Yoonbum's uncle screamed.

"Let's see: you abused and raped my sister on my tile accounts, then once she left, you abused and raped me, tried to make me like females even though I had in all in my head that I pretty much liked males, and my grandma, rest her soul, sat by while it happened. You know you're pathetic right? I'm probably a monster from hell, aren't I? Well, monsters create monsters, didn't you know that? I'm so glad that my mom chose my father instead of you, cause if she chose you, I wouldn't be the way I am. Well, let's be honest, I'm pretty sure I would have been. No matter how I came out, I'm pretty sure I would have turned out this way." Yoonbum sighed, standing up and walking over to his sister.

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