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Yoonbum found himself observing the shops on the street, looking for things. He didn't have a steady income, so he never bought things for himself like every other person would. He did have money though, he just thought it wasn't okay to spend it on stuff.

You were so...... so cute. When we engaged in eye contact at school one day.... it felt like I knew I would love you already. And you would love me the same. But I don't know about you Sangwoo. You're a ladies man, and I'm just a guy who loves guys.

"Excuse me!"


Yoonbum turned around to face someone in a black ball cap. They were tall, of course, and their voice was almost deep, hypnotizing almost.

"I recognize you..... are you Yoonbum? From university?" the voice said. Yoonbum looked up, and the person removed their ballcap.

Oh Sangwoo!

I haven't seen you in forever!

I..... can't believe you're right here....

In front of me.


"Are you okay?" Sangwoo looked at Yoonbum. Yoonbum cleared his throat, smiling cheekily at Sangwoo.

"Yes. I'm okay, and yes, I am Yoonbum. You are Sangwoo.... right?" Yoonbum smiled at Sangwoo, who smiled back at him.

"Yes I am. It has been a long time since I've seen you, how have you been?" Sangwoo had one of his hands in his pocket, while Yoonbum had both of his hands in his pocket.

"I've been okay" Yoonbum responded. Sangwoo looked Yoonbum up and down, raising his eyebrow at him.

"That's great. You don't look so good, what's wrong?". Sangwoo put his finger on Yoonbum's chin, raising it up so Yoonbum could look into Sangwoo's eyes.

"N-n-nothing'wrong" Yoonbum reached for Sangwoo's wrist, but was stopped by Sangwoo's other hand.

"How about we grab a bite to it? I'd love to get to know you better over dinner". Yoonbum shook his head yes, and Sangwoo smiled.

"Do you mind if we get ramen?" Yoonbum asked.

"Of course. What's your favorite?"


Yoonbum held the warm bowl of ramen in his hands, inhaling the smell of the meat, vegetables, and broth.

"How have you been all these years Sangwoo?" Yoonbum looked at Sangwoo, who was sipping his sake.

"I've been alright. Besides the fact that my mother is shit crazy, life's been okay" Sangwoo picked up his chopsticks, sticking it in the broth and picking up some noodles. Yoonbum was slurping up his noodles, picking up meat and vegetables and plopping them in his mouth.

"Hey hey, slow down. You can have plenty more if you want, I'm paying". Yoonbum chewed his meat while Sangwoo ate his noodles slowly.

No. I'm not going to mention it. At all.

"I don't get it. You're still small and everything, don't you ever workout or eat?" Sangwoo asked Yoonbum.

"I don't need to workout. I have fast metabolism, so I just eat and eat, but i never gain that much weight" Yoonbum swirled his chopsticks in his ramen, looking down at it gloomy-like.

"I see, do you drink?" Sangwoo looked into Yoonbum's eyes, and Yoonbum looked away.

I can't look into his eyes.... it's going to make me melt.

"Not much, but sometimes I do" Yoonbum responded.

"Do you want to go out for a drink sometime?" Sangwoo said.

"Sure. When do you want to?" Yoonbum started smiling, looking into Sangwoo's eyes, resting his head on his hand.

Whenever I look at you... I'm in a trance. And the only way I can escape is if....

"If you want to kiss me, just do it" Sangwoo said sarcastically.

"What-no! I don't want- I mean- ugh, I'm such a mess!" Yoonbum yelled. He put his head into his hands, sighing to himself.

"It's okay Yoonbum, I was just playing with you". Yoonbum glared at Sangwoo, who chuckled and sipped his sake.

"You know, I like it when you get flustered. You're cute when that happens" Sangwoo said.



Sitting in his apartment, Yoonbum stared at the wall, holding Sangwoo's baseball cap.

He smelled so nice.... even his hair...... I can't get enough.

When he smiles, and laughs, it's like my heart skips ten beats instead of one. I love it so much.

And I love him......

Help Him....  (A Killing Stalking fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now