The Wiltering Part of the Mind

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Yoonbum sat in the kitchen, swirling his spoon in his soup. Sangwoo was on the other side on the table, eating his dinner.

"What's wrong Bum?" Sangwoo asked him.

"There's nothing else to do. It's been weeks and we haven't killed anyone new, all because of Seungbae". Somehow, Seungbae survived the car crash. He was in the hospital in critical condition, and Cho-Hee suffered heartbreak from it. She was in and out of the hospital, checking up on Seungbae whenever she would get the chance.

"I can tell your sister cares for him, even though he is a murderer" Sangwoo said.

"Yeah, I know". Yoonbum sighed and got up from the table, walking to the bedroom. He closed the door and flopped onto the bed, screaming into the pillow. His mind was slipping, and reality was closing in. He realized that he had in fact, killed his uncle, and now he was suffering loss.

I know he was bad to my sister and I, but he was the only family member besides my sister that I had left.

"Before you know it, you'll be done with this"Sangwoo told him. Yoonbum sighed, placing his head back onto the pillow.

"I hope so Sangwoo, I really hope so"


Meanwhile, at the hospital

*Seungbae's POV*

I'm so glad I dumped that girls body in an abandoned home before heading back to the police station. If they found her body, I would have never seen Cho-Hee again.

"Seungbae, I'm so glad that you are okay, I really am. But there's some things that we need to discuss". Cho-Hee placed her hand on mine and sighed, wiping her eyes.

"Seungbae, I know. I know you killed that trans woman, and her finger was in your coat" she said.

"What are you even talking about Cho-Hee? I'm a police officer, I could never kill". I looked away, pulling my hand away from hers.

"You're obsessed with dead bodies aren't you? Do you keep the bodies of people that Sangwoo and Yoonbum have killed in a separate place from home? Somewhere that Ye-jun can't see them?" Cho-Hee spoke to me with tears in her eyes, almost crying.

"Cho-Hee, I'm doing what's good for me. Maybe if you would stay home I wouldn't have to act out!" I said to her. She sat back in her chair, holding her purse.

"I just wish we didn't met in college. Now my son might have to have a necrophiliac as his father". I sat up in my bed, raising my only good hand in the air, and I slapped her as hard as I could. The mark I left on her face couldn't even be covered with makeup.

"Do NOT say stuff like that again, you fucking bitch!" I yelled. I laid back in my bed, sighing.

"Go home or something, I'm done here with you" I said to her. I heard her get up, walking quickly to the door. Once the door was closed, I pictured the woman's soft hair, her soft skin, her eyes going white as I stabbed her in her stomach before chopping off her hair. I chuckled as I heard the door open, seeing that my doctor came in.

"Mr. Yang Seungbae, it seems that you are in high spirits, anything happen?" He asked me. I shook my head no.

"No sir. Just reminiscing on the time with my girlfriend. She was just in here" I said.

"That's good, now, I need to change your IV"


*back to Sangwoo and Yoonbum*

I heard pounding on the door. I got up from my seat in the kitchen and went to the front door.

"Cho-Hee? Why are you crying? What's going on?" I asked her. She came in and I closed the door behind her. Sangwoo came down the steps dressed to go to the store as I sat Cho-Hee down in the kitchen.

"That son of a bitch hit me! HE HIT ME! LOOK SANGWOO!" Cho-Hee said. I looked at her cheek and saw that it was red with a hand mark on her face. I turned away, hiding the fact that my fists were balled up with fury in my heart.

"What the hell! That is not in no way right at all! God I fucking hate him! He's turned into a monster, a fucking monster!" Sangwoo sighed, holding Cho-Hee's hand.

"I'll start up some tea". I walked to the stove and started the kettle. I put the packet of the tea in the kettle and let it sit.

"We were talking in the hospital room and then- he hit me when I mentioned the woman that he killed. I guess he hated it" Cho-Hee told Sangwoo. Sangwoo sighed, resting his hand on his head.

"He was just supposed to dispose of the bodies, not get obsessed with them and then turn into a murderer. God I hate him so fucking much". Sangwoo sat back in his chair and crossed his legs.

"So what are we gonna do about him?" Yoonbum asked the two of them.

"Cho-Hee, has Seungbae washed any of his clothes in the recent days?" Sangwoo said, with a smirk on his face.

"No, not yet, why?". Cho-Hee looked at Sangwoo, with worry on her face.

"I'm pretty sure they put the clothes for Seungbae in a bag at the hospital, and put them in the room. So, Cho-Hee, I need those clothes" Sangwoo said.


"So we can put that son of a bitch in jail"

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