Basemental Dislocation

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Yet, why am I here. I quit taking these damn pills, and yet, they called me countless times so I could get my next prescription.

It's so fucking irritating. Can't I just quit taking these damn things? I've made up my mind now, I don't want to be the mold of 'perfect' these pills make me out to be.

And the pharmacist has to watch people walk away or drive away to see if they don't throw away their pills or sell them as drugs or for money. I fucking hate this society and it's need to make everyone perfect.

"You okay?"

Bum, you're so sweet.

"Of course, you ready to go now?" Yoonbum shook his head and looked out the windshield, ducking into the floorboard.

What in the hell?

"Are you alright? What's going on?" Sangwoo looked at Yoonbum, who covered his body with his jacket and cowered in fear.

"I just saw......... my uncle" Yoonbum said before he broke down under his jacket.

Who is your uncle and why are you afraid of him?

"He's just your uncle Bum. What's so bad about it?" Sangwoo sighed as he opened his cigarette pack and light a cigarette.

" don't get it Sangwoo. My uncle verbally and physically abused me before raping me. I couldn't take anymore. I was depressed because I didn't have my mother nor my father in my life Sangwoo"

I don't get it? My mother tried to kill me when I was just four years old! I saw her cheat on my father countless times and I even got sexually abused by her because I reminded her of my father.


Wait, what happened?


Silence filled the car as Sangwoo sobbed into his arms, his head resting on his steering wheel.

I'm...... I'm so sorry Sangwoo.

"I'll...... go out for a while. To give you some space" Yoonbum sat in his seat and put his hand on the door handle, ready to open the door.


What? What- happened?

"Couples don't run away from each other when they have a fight. They talk it out" Sangwoo held his hand out to Yoonbum, and Yoonbum took his hand and put in in Sangwoo's hand.

"But if your pain is bigger than mine, you're so fucking wrong" Sangwoo took his cigarette out of his mouth, dumping some ashes in the car.


"STOP SANGWOO! DONT BURN ME! STOPP! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!" Yoonbum yelled at Sangwoo, trying to pull his hand away from Sangwoo's strong grip and escape from the car.

"Let go of me you crazy bitch!" Yoonbum cried as he slapped Sangwoo, opening the car door and running down the street.

Get away from him Yoonbum! You got this! Go!


Sangwoo punched the passenger's seat in anger and saw his phone ring.

"What the hell do you want?" Sangwoo clutched his phone as he looked around, seeing no one had saw his outburst on his boyfriend.

"What's up with you? You sound angry?" Seungbae asked Sangwoo.

"Can you find a person named Yoonbum for me? I'm near the pharmacy........"

Sangwoo sat on his porch with a hot cup of water next to him. He twiddled his fingers together and waited for Yoonbum to get home.

"Sangwoo!" Seungbae yelled as he hoisted something over his shoulder.

"You've found him. Thank you man" Sangwoo opened the gate for Seungbae, seeing a sleeping Yoonbum on his shoulder.

"Where are you putting him?" Seungbae asked.

"In the basement. I'll be right down" Sangwoo sighed and grabbed the cup of hot water, walking into the house.


"Ahh!" Yoonbum screamed as he woke up from his deep slumber, feeling hot, scalding water on his torso.

"Wake the fuck up Bum, it's time for a little lesson" Sangwoo stood over Yoonbum, his sweat dripping down his chest.

"Augh-I-I-I hate you Sangwoo" Yoonbum squirmed as he tried to get away from Sangwoo, before Sangwoo grabbed his chin and buried his nails into Yoonbum's cheek.

"You hate me huh? If you hate me so much, try and hit me" Sangwoo said with a cocky tone. Yoonbum kicked one of his legs, but Sangwoo dodged each kick left and right, before spitting on Yoonbum's face.

"You disgusted me in the car, you know that right?" Sangwoo walked across the basement, picking up a sledgehammer.

"What- what do you mean? Sangwoo! Answer me! Please!" Yoonbum felt his tears fall down his face as he heard the sledgehammer scrape against the floor.

Am....... Am I going to die?

Just end it here. Please. I want to die.

"Ow!" Yoonbum said as he was pulled down into a laying position, his legs exposed to Sangwoo.

"You see Yoonbum..........

"This will hurt me wayyy more than it'll hurt you"

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