Silent Cries

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Yoonbum found himself laying on the floor. He got up and looked around, seeing that he was laying in a room he didn't recognize.

Where am I?

Yoonbum stretched his arms and his adjusted to the surroundings. The floor felt cold, and he heard something tumbling around.

"Who's there?" Yoonbum spoke into the void of the space, looking behind him.

A dryer? What am I doing in a laundry room?

"Finally, you're awake. I would have tied you up if it wasn't for your body tempting me. But don't worry, I didn't do anything to your poor little bum, Bum" Sangwoo said as he laughed.

"Listen, things are gonna be different now, okay? You will have to take care of me, I'm a man grieving the loss of my mother, and you're my boyfriend. And as a boyfriend, you have to take care of me. You need to cook for me, clean, and make sure that my mental state doesn't go to shit" Sangwoo said.


"Now, I'm going to take you upstairs so me and you can get a bath. But mostly you" Sangwoo picked Yoonbum up and walked out of the laundry room, walking to the stairs leading to the upstairs of the house.

I...... I can't escape can I?

Yoonbum watched as Sangwoo drew the bath water for them, seeing the steam come from the water. Bubbles were added, and Sangwoo clothes dropped.

"Come here Bum, I have to help you take your clothes off" Sangwoo reached for Yoonbum's shirt, lifting it off of Yoonbum's body. He felt Yoonbum's cheek before pulling the skirt slowly off of his body.

"How long ago was it that I broke your ankles? Let's see, you escaped from me at the pharmacy in the car, and that was about....... two weeks ago? Maybe three. But that means your ankles are healing so well" Sangwoo said proudly.

"Now, let's bathe"


Yoonbum found out that he wasn't completely immobilized, and he could sit up in a chair. He wiggled his ankles around, and saw that they could move, and he was happy. Except that his ankles were chained to the rolling chair Sangwoo got for him.

He chopped the vegetables on the chopping board, sliding them to the side. He looked down at himself, seeing that he was in a blue skirt this time, the pencil skirt type. He was wearing a black tank top, with a cardigan over it.

"I'm home" Sangwoo yelled. Yoonbum stopped and turned around in his chair.

"Welcome home honey" Yoonbum smiled, holding the knife down in his lap.

"What are you making?" Sangwoo sniffed the air and took off his coat, which Yoonbum took from him.

"Stew" Yoonbum said. He turned around and gathered the vegetables in a bowl, rolling to the stove to put the vegetables in the boiling pot, also he with the beef shoulder and beef stock.

"Sounds delicious, I'll be back in a minute" Sangwoo said. He bent over and kissed Yoonbum on the cheek and walked away from the kitchen. Yoonbum sighed and looked down, seeing the knife still in his lap.

I shouldn't kill him right? He's taking care of me and making sure I'm alright.... but then again, he did break my ankles, pour hot water on me, and killed people.

Maybe I should stay..... cause I can't escape him.

What happened to me? This wasn't who I wanted to be..... but I wanted to be with him, and it hurts.

"I'm back love" Sangwoo opened the fridge and grabbed a beer, popping open the can and guzzling some of it down, wiping his mouth and then sighing.

"Dinner's almost ready" Yoonbum rolled over to the stove, opening up the pot.

"Great, I'm starving a lil bit" Sangwoo pulled a chair out and sat in it, pulling it up to the table. A few seconds later, Yoonbum put a steaming bowl of stew on the table and sat there, waiting for Sangwoo to taste it.

"Mmm, smells so delicious, I love it" Sangwoo eagerly grabbed his spoon and dipped it into the steaming bowl of stew. Yoonbum watched as Sangwoo took his first bite, chewing up the tender beef shoulder and vegetables.

"Why don't you get something to eat Yoonbum? You need to eat as well" Sangwoo gestured to Yoonbum, who looked down and sighed.

"I'm not hungry at the moment" Yoonbum said.

"Not hungry? Maybe you'll be hungry later" Sangwoo chewed his food as Yoonbum and he sat in silence, the only sound in the room was Sangwoo's chewing and clattering of the spoon in the bowl.

"Listen, Yoonbum, you know I love you right? And I apologized to you, so why are you being so distant? I told you that I am grieving the loss of my dear mother, and I need comfort. Real comfort" Sangwoo walked over to Yoonbum, titling his chin up.

"You''re crying. Why?" Sangwoo held Yoonbum's face as Yoonbum started to cry harder, holding onto Sangwoo.

"My life is a lie, and I fucking hate it. I hate it so much Sangwoo, I can't take it anymore" Yoonbum screamed as he hit Sangwoo with his fists, pounding on Sangwoo's chest.

"Yoonbum......" Sangwoo petted Yoonbum's head and kissed his forehead.

"I'll release the chains. But only because I feel bad for you. I'll get my old crutches for you and you can walk around. But....... I need help with something" Sangwoo looked into Yoonbum's eyes, tears forming.

"What?" Yoonbum asked.

"We....... need to get someone new. I need someone new to kill. And you can pretend to need help to walk, please Yoonbum, will you help me?" Sangwoo pleaded, holding Yoonbum's hands.

"I will" Yoonbum said.


So I'm supposed to act really injured, so Sangwoo can get another victim to kill. He said it doesn't matter who it is, as long as they are gullible and naive.

Ok, so who can I fool?

"Oh no! Frick! I can't- ah!" Yoonbum acted as he was falling and fell softly to the ground, right in front of a girl who was taking pictures.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Here, let me help you" the girl said. She picked Yoonbum by his underarms and helped Yoonbum stand on one of his feet.

"Thank you. I was trying to get my other crunch under my arm, but I'm such a klutz, I am sorry if I disturbed you" Yoonbum talked to the girl as he fixed up his jacket, and the girl held him up, making sure he wasn't going to fall over again.

"But you should know....

"........this is your last day helping someone who can fully walk"

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