Stay Here Forever

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"Stop! Sangwoo! Haha!"

Sangwoo was cuddling- and tickling Yoonbum in his bed, shortly after waking up with him.

"You want to play huh? We can play then" Sangwoo tickled Yoonbum's feet, and Yoonbum kicked his foot in response to the tickling, hitting Sangwoo in the shoulder.

"Oh- I'm sorry about that Sangwoo, did I hurt you?" Yoonbum looked at Sangwoo, who had an angry expression on his face.

"It's alright babe, it's just a reflex"

A reflex that would have made punch the shit out of you. But I love you Yoonbum, you haven't made me mad yet.

"I'll be back, I gotta get an extra blanket from the basement" Sangwoo got up from his bed, stretching and yawning.

"I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast, that okay with you?" Yoonbum asked Sangwoo, putting on his shorts and Sangwoo's shirt.

"That's okay with me" Sangwoo walked over to Yoonbum, holding his hand and planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Love you Bum" Sangwoo left his bedroom and walked to the panel in the floor, pulling it up to reveal the steps to the basement. He pulled the panel on top of the basement and walked down the steps, seeing his victim tied up to the pole in the middle of the basement.

"Hey bitch, you made me fuck my boyfriend hard yesterday because it reminded me of hitting you in the face, so you better not make me mad today, got that?" Sangwoo towered over the woman, who squirmed and whined in fear.

"What? You need to say something. Oh, and don't bother screaming, no one will hear you, not even him. Hm, looks like you didn't eat your porridge, how bad of you. People are supposed to eat whatever is given to them, no matter how bad it is" Sangwoo gripped the woman's face, opening her mouth and pouring the porridge into her mouth.

"Now eat bitch" Sangwoo closed the woman's mouth and watched as she chewed the porridge, tears falling from her eyes.

"Stupid women like you, trying to get your way with me. Your just like my fucking mom, before I stomped her in her head and sent her off to prison. Now, I trying to not show my boyfriend this side of me, but if you keep making me angry, then I have no choice" Sangwoo sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. He then stood up, walking over to the corner where a box was located.

"I'm going away now. I'll be back down here, but I don't know when I'll be back" Sangwoo got a blanket and walked up the steps, opening the panel.


"It smells good in here, what are you cooking?" Sangwoo walked up behind Yoonbum, hugging him and resting his head on Yoonbum's.

"I'm making eggs" Yoonbum smiled as Sangwoo kept his arms around Yoonbum, kissing his cheek delicately.

"I love eggs" Sangwoo opened the fridge to get a bottle of orange juice, taking a few sips before putting it down.

"I'm glad you like them" Yoonbum hummed a song as he finished making the eggs, putting them onto a plate, setting them down on the table.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Sangwoo looked at Yoonbum up and down while getting a spoon of eggs and putting them into his mouth.

"I am, I just......"

How do I say that I heard you talking to yourself..... and I know what you did to your mother?

I'm not going to say anything.

"Just what?" Sangwoo spun his spoon in his hands before putting it into his mouth.

"Imagine, this spoon, but your dick. Wouldn't that be something?" Sangwoo chuckled as Yoonbum blushed, looking down at the ground.

"You..... haven't had your dick sucked? You suck mine all of the time, now it's your turn"


"I usually don't get on my knees, but I'll do it *smooch* for you" Sangwoo said as he kissed Yoonbum's thighs, holding Yoonbum's butt in his hands.

"Sangwoo, are you okay with this?" Yoonbum looked down at Sangwoo as he slowly pulled down his shorts before having them yanked down by Sangwoo.

"Of course, if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be doing this right now" Sangwoo licked Yoonbum's shaft slowly, holding it in his hands.

~ngh~ Sangwoo, ugh....

"Oh, woah, San- oh, oh my god" Yoonbum gasped between slowed breaths as Sangwoo moved his tongue around on Yoonbum's penis, before making Yoonbum's penis go into his mouth.

It's all the way in...... oh fuck, you're mouth is so moist and I........

*slurp* *slurp*

Fuck Sangwoo! Oh my god!

"Y-mnph!" Yoonbum shoved Sangwoo's face into his penis, causing it to go into Sangwoo's throat.

Fuck..... Yoonbum. My fucking throat is gonna hurt if you keep up with this.

"A-hah.... good god......." Yoonbum leaned back on the counter, breathing slowly as he looked down at Sangwoo, who was wiping his mouth and looking up at Yoonbum.

"I think that'll be a fun part in our plan in the future" Sangwoo got up from the floor, then picking up Yoonbum, he placed him onto the counter.

"I wanna call you that one word, but I can't. So, I'll you amazing, cause' that's what you are to me. Amazing"

"You're cute Sangwoo. Really cute" Yoonbum smiled at Sangwoo and kissed him on the cheek, holding his arms around Sangwoo's neck.

"Yoonbum...... we've been dating for a few months, but I was wondering......

"Would you like to move in with me?" Sangwoo held Yoonbum's hand as he waited for Yoonbum's answer.

"Of course I would. I love you"

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