Breaking Out

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"Hey Sangwoo!"

Yoonbum ran to Sangwoo, who wrapped his arms around small Yoonbum.

"It's been a few days, sorry if I couldn't get to you" Sangwoo said to Yoonbum.

"It's fine. If you needed your days, that's okay with me" Yoonbum smiled at Sangwoo, who held his face up and kissed him.

"I love you so much" Sangwoo said.

"I love you too"


"Do you want to get something to eat?" Sangwoo kept his hands on the steering wheel as he drove away from Yoonbum's house.

"I'm fine" Yoonbum said. He couldn't help but to smile. His heart couldn't contain the feelings inside of it, and for Yoonbum, those feelings were real.

He's mine.... all mine.... he's so dreamy.....

"Admiring me huh?"


"Uh..... heh, I guess" Yoonbum held his hands in his lap as the car drove on.

I'm gonna mess with him

"This is nice right?" Sangwoo placed his hand on Yoonbum's thighs, and held it there for a while.

"Uh, Sangwoo?" Yoonbum looked at Sangwoo, who was driving with one hand.


Oh no..... not here..... please not here, and not right now.

"What's wrong Bum?" Sangwoo snickered as his hand rose up Yoonbum's thigh and rubbed where Yoonbum was getting hard.

Please Sangwoo, I only get hard at home, and not in public places.

"I- it's nothing" Yoonbum looked away and covered up his hard-on with his jacket, holding his head down.

"Hey, it's okay. Maybe I can help with that" Sangwoo stopped the car behind a building and unbuckled his seat belt, resting his hand on his head.

I...... need to do something. I can't drink like I would right now.


I just got an idea.........

"Come here Bum" Sangwoo held his hand out to Yoonbum, who took his hand. Sangwoo pulled Yoonbum onto his lap, facing him.

Sangwoo.... what are you doing?

Why are you doing this right now?


"Ah! You're biting too hard!" Yoonbum leaned away from Sangwoo as Sangwoo bit on Yoonbum's delicate nipples, licking around them and sucking on them.

Hm...... ah. He's so good with his mouth, it's so unbelievable.


"I just can't wait to get into this Yoonbum, it's just too good for me" Sangwoo licked Yoonbum's neck up and down, sucking on it as he gripped Yoonbum's ass.

"Hah...... oh, yes..... right there Sangwoo" Yoonbum held Sangwoo's head and watched Sangwoo kiss his chest up and down.

All this you're doing..... fuck, I'm still hard

Yoonbum, I can't handle it anymore.......

"Let me get these for you" Sangwoo reached for Yoonbum's pants and unbuttoned his button, pulling Yoonbum up with one arm and his other hand pulling Yoonbum's pants and underwear down.

"Hold onto my neck while I get myself situated" Sangwoo pulled down his pants and positioned Yoonbum above his penis, holding Yoonbum's waist.

"Be..... careful Sangwoo" Yoonbum looked at Sangwoo and sighed.

"I'll be careful love, don't you worry" Sangwoo watched as Yoonbum slowly put himself down on Sangwoo, moaning as he did.

"Ah! Ah! Sang..... ah!" Yoonbum clinged onto Sangwoo as Sangwoo plowed into Yoonbum, kissing his neck and groaning in between gasps.

Fuck..... this feels good.... so fucking good.

"Yoonbum, I'm gonna let the seat back, okay?" Yoonbum shook his head in agreement as Sangwoo pulled the bar to let the seat all the way back.

"Now you and me switch places.... okay?"

Switch......places? Wha-

"Spread your legs open, just like this" Sangwoo pulled Yoonbum's legs open, exposing his hole to Sangwoo.

Nghh.... Sangwoo... ah!

"Not too fast Sangwoo, I'm.... tight still" Yoonbum squirmed as Sangwoo stuck two of his fingers into Yoonbum's wet hole, slowly pushing them in further. He then started penetrating Yoonbum's hole with his two fingers, also stroking Yoonbum's penis up and down, while looking Yoonbum in the eyes.

Sangwoo.... I can't take much more of this- oh! Sang- ah!

Yoonbum's inner thoughts were stopped as Sangwoo pulled his fingers out of Yoonbum and pushed himself into Yoonbum's hole, holding Yoonbum's hand as he thrusted into Yoonbum.

Fuck..... you're so tight Yoonbum.... tight like a-


Stop it. Fuck your boyfriend and do not think about what you did last night.


"Hey, Sangwoo?"

Yoonbum was holding Sangwoo's hand as they sat on Sangwoo's porch, Sangwoo's head in Yoonbum's lap.

"Yeah?" Sangwoo looked ahead as he answered Yoonbum, closing his eyes.

"How has your life been....since it happened?"

Should I have asked that? I don't know how he'll respond or-

"I've been okay. A little off, but I'm okay" Sangwoo sighed and pulled out his phone, putting one his headphones in.

"Put this one in. I want you to hear my favorite song Yoonbum". Yoonbum places the headphone in his ear as Killing Me Softly started playing in his ear.

Killing me softly... with his song... telling my whole life... with his words killing me softly with his song......

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