Chapter 19 - Plan

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"We dont know if its a dream or not but.... we fought Nebulus, the God of Darkness." Jizania said

"Huh?! The GOD OF DARKNESS??" Ellaile was shocked.

"Yeah, we lost though."

"But you two are in bed this whole time. That's impossible." Ellaile sits down to a chair, Akiko and Jizania sitted on their beds.

"We talked to Natasha, and she said that Nebulus was the cause of the disasters every 3 years. There was an item called Grand World, and that was the core of the disasters. Eventually, the Grand World can absorbs Magic Power in its surroundings and that will make it work." Jizania's short explanation made Ellaile more confused.

"Who is Natasha?" Ellaile's suddenly question.

"Natasha, the God of Nature Element." Akiko said.

"WHAAATT??!!!" Ellaile suddenly stands up in shock.

"Woah calm down... anyways, we need to figure ou-" Jizania's words cutted out when she remembered something.

"The Princess!" Jizania stands up. "Akiko, we need to go."

"Okay....." Akiko stands up two.

"Where are you two going?"

"To the Nihon Castle." The two said. Then they goes down and exited the inn.


They goes to the secret passage for the SFJ, and meet the King.

"Your Majesty." Jizania bowed showing gratitude. Akiko does the same.

"What brings you here? And who is this?"

Jizania explained all the things that happened. The king was just listening carefully.

"T-THE GOD OF DARKNESS?!" The kings stands up in shock. They're the same expression Ellaile made earlier.

"We fought him, but lost. Good thing the Princess saved us. By the way, where is the Princess?"

"Ichika saved you two?" The king called an attendant to bring the princess. After a while, Ichika comes out from the main entrance to the throne. She bowed showing gratitude, and the two made the same.

"Thank you for saving us, Princess Ichika." The two said. There was a board with a chalk with her, so she wrote what she wants to say.

'You're Welcome. I'm glad to see you two safe'. When Jizania was reading the princess' message, she wondered 'Is the main language here is Japanese? I only saw japanese letters since the day i left the Kitiañ.'

"So as i was said earlier, the Grand World is the core of the disasters that occuring in all sides of the world. We failed to destroy or took it, even with the Legendary Weapons and the Soul Merge we did, he was just too strong." Jizania continued the explanation. "By the way princess, how did you entered the Neva Realm?"

The princess wrote his answer. After a few minutes, she showed it to Jizania:

'I was sleeping, since i was tired. Then, the God of Nature talked to me.....'



I found myself in a darkness full of negative emotions. There was someone calling me.


I glanced around the surroundings, and saw a figure of a girl.

"Who are you?"

I said. The girl replied to me. "I'm the God of Nature, Natasha. I need you to save those two."

I got confused. "Who?"

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