Chapter Six : The truth hurts

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I urged my feet to move, for me to run after him and demand an explanation for his statement. I knew he was bluffing, he had to have been, there wasn't a body and my parents wouldn't be stupid enough to believe a note with no other evidence.

But there was a voice in the back of my head who kept telling me that if anybody would be able to pull such a thing off it would be Noah. I knew as well as the voice did that I would want to push off hearing his side of the story for as long as I could.

So, instead of bolting after him and making him tell me the truth or letting the prospect bring me to my knees as I broke apart inside, I followed my original plan and listened to his order. I was going to shower.

It only took me about 10 checks of the lock on the door to convince myself he wouldn't be able to barge in while I was showering, at least another 5 minutes studying the bruising on my face from him but I finally showered and I felt slightly better afterwards.

I had spent the entire shower planning how I was going to confront him on his little claim. The thought of it made my stomach turn but each time a spark of worry lit in me I pushed it down with the reassurance he was lying.

Here I stood, fully cleaned and dressed, facing the bedroom door. All I needed to do was reach my hand out and pull the door open but the idea of what could happen on the other end of this door was enough to make me freeze.

I inhaled and as I did yesterday before my walk, I swung the door open and marched out of it before I had time to convince myself not to. Quietly making my way downstairs, I saw no sign of Noah, the front door calling me, begging me to run through it.

Movement from the kitchen made me freeze in my tracks, I guess that answered the internal dilemma on escaping for me. "Embry, baby, come here" he sounded chirpy, a lot happier than he did when he was lying straight to my face.

Shuffling into the kitchen, I shyly stood in the corner examining the kitchen. The cabinets were a dark turquoise colour and the countertops a brown colour, the colours were very outgoing but they were nice nonetheless.

"Hey beautiful, how was your shower?" he hummed while stirring sauce in a pan. "G-good" I was trying to build up the courage to ask him about what he had said but every time I have the words on the tip of my tongue no sound comes out.

"I'm just making pasta for dinner, it's your favourite so I thought it would be nice" he looked at me occasionally expecting some sort of reaction but I was too preoccupied.

"N-noah" I whispered, cursing myself for sounding so scared, "yes little bug" he nodded, "earlier, y-you said ab-about my parents think-thinking that I had co-commited suicide" my voice trailed off at the end becoming quiet.

"I did" he countered uninterestedly, "well, wh-what did you m-mean by that?" I began fidgeting with the ring on my finger, another habit I partook in when nervous.

"I meant what I said" his tone was bored as my eyebrows scrunched in frustration. I was going to have to spell everything out for him wasn't I.

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