Chapter Twenty-Six: The skeletons in the closet

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 I brushed past the workers as they sped down the hallways, arms full with supplies in preparation for the wedding. I was forbidden from peeking into the garden and looking at the set up otherwise "it wouldn't be as magical" as Evelyn said. There was less than 24 hours before the big ceremony so everybody was off doing things for it, while I was forced to entertain myself.

Standing solo in such big hallways always sprouted a stinging feeling of loneliness within my heart, no matter how much exploring I did, it could only distract me for so long. Noah had warned me that he couldn't be disturbed under any circumstances today because of some 'important business' he had to deal with, so here I was left, just me, myself and I.

Coming face to face with the large grandfather clock, I settled on passing time the same way I had yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before that. Waiting for the big hand to hit the twelve I belted off running through the hallways, I was determined to beat my record of 5 minutes from yesterday.

Not only was it exercise but I always felt so pretty letting the air swoosh past my dress as I twisted and turned in this maze of a house. Turning my fourth corner, I was unprepared for the hard surface that appeared, my body bashing into it and rebounding onto the floor.

Tears pricked at my eyes from the pain of my bottom smacking against the floor, the same place I had landed last night when Noah shoved me. "Princess?" The mysterious object questioned, I was too busy rubbing my backside trying to soothe the pain to notice I had rammed into a person.

Shooting into a standing position I internally scolded myself as I noticed who that person was. "S-Sebastian" fear flitted in my eyes as I came to terms with the possible outcomes my fooling around could lead me to. "I'm- I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to" I dropped my head, finding no emotional support in the carpet.

My body tensed as his hand lifted towards my face, I waited for the impact of a smack and was dumbfounded when it never came. Instead, he was playing with a loose strand of my hair. "My, my, well, hasn't he trained you skillfully" his smile was daunting.

I hadn't spoken to Sebastian one on one since that day in the old house, well he hadn't lost his fear instilling ability, that was for sure. I remained still as he silently studied my form for a couple moments, his fingers not letting go of my hair.

I don't think I will be beating the time for my running record today.

"I like what you've done with your hair" his eyes were predatory, taking a step towards me. "T-thank you but I should, I should probably go" I whispered, tucking my hair behind my ear away from his wandering touch.

"Everyone's stressing out about doing things for the wedding, why don't we have some quality brother- and sister-in-law bonding time?" Gulping I calculated the possibility of every outcome, I couldn't run to Noah as he was busy, I didn't even think Evelyn was on the grounds and well, James wasn't an option. Great.

"I'm act-actually quite tired Sebastian, I think I might just go-go and take a nap" I shuffled nervously under his heavy stare. He did not like that answer. "Oh come on Embry, don't be such a buzzkill" his mouth hovered over my ear, his breath pricking at my skin. Our chests practically touched as I gawked wide-eyed at the malicious glint in his eyes. "What would we be doing?" I murmured, not having the courage to speak any louder.

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