Chapter Thirty-Five: Forgiveness is a trap

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A little bit of an emotional chapter here,

I hope you enjoy!



(Embry's POV)

Shuffling into the kitchen tiredly, I examined the little apartment properly this time, not having much of a chance to last night when Indigo brought me up here. It was simple and small, a little kitchen separated from the living area by an island with bar stools.

The prominent colour of the apartment was a soft green, complemented with several house plants dotted around the place. The bedroom also held a simplistic design with a floor framed bed and some storage.

Grabbing an oat bar Indigo must have left on the counter for me, I shuffled from foot to foot, finding the feeling of the fluffy socks entertaining as they glided against the wooden floors. Picking up the yellow sticky note left beside the oat bar, I shuffled through the cabinets trying to find the bin.

"I hope you slept okay and that the shower worked okay for you last night! Eat this, I dropped in more clothes for you, they are on the couch. When you're finished come down to the parlour <3 -Indy"

Sporting a small smile I picked up the pile of clothes, heading into the bedroom to place what I would not be wearing into drawers. "Everything is going to be okay Embry, you're okay" I breathed to myself softly.


"Morning Bree, well don't you just look like the prettiest girl ever, I hope everything fits okay" Indigo warmly smiled as I stepped into the parlour from the door that led directly to the apartment, signaling with her hand for me to go over to her. "They do, thank you, it's nice to finally be wearing some clothes that cover the mark on my chest, so yeah" I rocked anxiously on my feet.

December 1st, my first official day having escaped from Noah's overbearing clutches. "And did you get the oat bar?" she questioned, sorting through a book which held appointment times for her customers.

"I did and once again Indy, thank you so so so much, genuinely you will never understand how much all this means to me" throwing my hands around her torso, I brought her into a hug.

"Of course pretty girl, I'm just sorry I couldn't be of help sooner" she ruffled my hair as I playfully glared at her. "I asked Dakota to stop by the shop today so you two could meet, is that okay? I can ask her to come on a different day if it's all too much for you" her eyes glistened with worry, observing my reaction.

Giving a grateful smile I nodded, "No, I want to meet her today, please don't worry, I promise I'll let you know if anything becomes too much". Sending a skeptical look my way I could hear her softly muttering, "no you won't" causing me to release a chuckle.

That was in fact true, I would definitely not have the guts to ever tell her that, scared it would be mistaken for gratefulness. Geez Embry, note to self, go back to therapy when this is over, lord knows you need it.


I had seated myself in the backroom where Indy had taken me to talk last night, with a cup of hot chocolate which I had made and a book that she had given me. I couldn't even remember the last time I read a book by myself. As she handed me the book I was grateful it wasn't a romance, I doubted I would be able to stomach one of those for a while. Instead it was a crime fiction which was suiting, being the closest I'll ever get to the police.

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