Chapter Forty-Eight: Like father like son

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I swear I have the cutest readers ever, you are all so lovely!!!

I hope you enjoy,



(Embry's POV)

December 22nd. Three more days to Christmas, yay..... The feelings of excitement I was holding towards Christmas have completely vanished. I had been in this house, or should I say this room for a little more than a single day and I was already losing my will to not smack the shit out of Noah.

"Please, I promise I'll be good, I won't do anything, just for ten minutes even, it's been so long since I've been outside" I pleaded, his shirt fisted in my hands. "No Embry, now stop asking unless you want me to fuck the bratiness out of you" his face lifting into a small smirk, "although I'm sure you'd actually like that isn't that right," he leans down his breath hitting the base of my neck. "My pretty little slut" he mumbles against my skin, tracing his tongue across my collarbone.

Trying my best to ignore the feelings that ignited in me, I step back, ridding myself of the effect he has on me. Raising his eyebrows, I scoffed at the amused look residing on his face, a mischievous smirk rising as I devised a plan.

Stepping up towards him so we were now chest to chest, I stood on my tippy toes, my hands placed on his shoulders for support as my mouth hovered just beside his ear. "How about we go outside, and then you can do whatever you want to me," I watched his adam's apple move as he gulped, "please, Noah" manipulating my tone so it would sound full of desire as I tried to hide the smile on my face.

"Well aren't you just a little handful, my dear wife, the answers still no" he deadpanned. Sighing I turned around and let myself flop onto the bed. "As glad as I am to see you're feeling better than you were yesterday, you're still being punished for leaving me Embry, and trust me when I say I can do a lot worse than keeping you in this room" he warned, continuing to dress himself for the day.

"Okay but if we aren't going anywhere then why are you getting dressed?" I questioned, turning on my side so I was facing him from where I lay. "Do you think your wedding ring is pretty?" He randomly asked as my eyes shot down to my finger, the diamond becoming the centre of my attention.

"Ehm, yeah?", "good, well that ring cost probably about as much as the car you owned before, so little bug, I'm going to work so I can continue to spoil you" he laughed out. Rushing into a standing position I stared wide eyed at Noah as he slipped his shoes on, "what! You're just going to leave me here alone" I gaped in astonishment.

The frown on my face deepened as he nodded, "but-but, you can't, I'll be lonely" I whined like a toddler. "Well, I'll just make sure to make it up to you later tonight" he winked, walking over to place a gentle kiss on my forehead, not missing his chance to grab my behind before strolling out the door, sealing my faith with the click of the lock.

What the heck! Groaning I flopped back down onto the bed, gosh why are men so annoying. Great, now I get to spend the next couple hours alone with my thoughts.

"oH I mISseD You sO MuCH eMBRY, NevER LeAVE Me aGaiN, BuT wAIt lET Me jUSt dITCh yOu foR WOrk" I mutter mockingly as I paced around the room looking at some way to occupy myself. I guess I could paint my nails or something, letting out a bored sigh, I find myself rummaging through the bathroom cabinets. "Yes" I do a little victory dance out of the bathroom as I finally found the little box of nail products.

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