Chapter Thirty-One: A game of cat and mouse

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Two chapters in one day because I really missed writing! Thank you so much to @slut4ruri for giving me the idea to put this chapter in Noah's point of view, if you all like it I'll continue to do some more chapters in his POV. 

I hope you enjoy,



Noah's POV.

"You know, if I say no to this and you still make me do it, you're no better than Justin."

I watched in distaste as her cheek made contact with my hand. That little bitch. I immediately shook such vulgar words describing my pretty baby out of my mind. She was just scared and reacting. Poor little girl just needs guidance, that is why we are so perfect for each other.

She got a little lost while I was in prison and now when she acts out it's just out of fear of losing me. Of course! Glancing in her direction, I note the way she so gently placed her hand against her now red cheek, her tears blurring her vision. My pretty little flower, all so vulnerable just for my eyes.

I scowled as I thought of the driver laying his eyes upon her in such a state. Such pain should only be there for me to bask in, she breathes for me, she smiles for me, she cries for me, she hurts for me, and for me alone. Luckily he was concentrating on the road, good, I wouldn't want to put a bullet in his head. We would be terribly behind schedule if I did.

I tried to keep my staring to a minimum, not wanting to make her flustered. She was just too beautiful when she cried, the way her tears shone as they made their journey down her soft rosy cheek, and the twitches of her nose. It was enough to drive me mad. That broken look in her eye, I could feel myself getting excited just thinking of it.

A giddy feeling took over my body as I truly began to process that she was mine, all mine. My wife. Her in that white dress, no amount of daydreaming could have done her justice, she was simply ethereal. She expects me to suppress my urges when she always looks so damn delectable. The thought of her underneath me alone makes me want to get rid of the driver and take her here.

But no, I would never do that, not to such a goddess. She deserves the utmost luxury, which I can give her. I smile in delight as I see us drive up towards the plane my father owns, I guess the old man is good for something.

Dropping my jacket to the middle seat, I remind myself to put it on her before she gets out. She's much too fragile to be out uncovered in such cold weather, although the thought of her being sick, needy and dependent on me makes my heart flutter, I know it isn't the right time with all the plans I have for us.

Pulling one of the bags up onto the seat, I rooted through it to find the passports. The only other material being wads of cash. Card was always too risky, I needed to lay low especially now that I have Embry with me.

"I'm just going to show them our passports and make sure the plane is all ready then we can go, okay beautiful" I smile, her skin holding a blotchy red tone from crying, such perfection. I didn't bother to acknowledge the driver as he got out to carry the bags out to the plane.

Strutting over to the workers I show him the documents necessary and double check all the details are correct with the staff on the plane. I was practically bouncing with excitement at the prospect of spoiling my baby girl during this. I know she will love the villa, and if she takes an extreme liking to it I'd be more than happy to just permanently move there with her.

Away from everybody, the villa is an hours drive from the closest town and even that is quite small and unpopulated.

No threat of anyone taking her away from me even though I know she'd never go with them. She needs me too much, I'll help her see it no matter what I need to do. Making my way back to the car I knew she would probably still be sulking, such a pouty little girl she was. But that was okay, I'll just talk to her and show her how much I really love her, then she will have no choice but to stop being mad at me.

She's always been far too forgiving, but with me that's okay, I'd never take advantage of her or use her. No, of course not, I protect her. Everything I do is for her. Opening the door, I prepared my little speech but as the empty seat came to view I could feel my heart stop momentarily.

"Little bug?" I called out, she should know better than to go exploring when I'm not there. "Embry baby?" I yelled out this time, my head turning every direction trying to spot her in the distance. Maybe she got scared and went to find me?

Shit. Fuck. She fucking ran didn't she. "Embry, darling, where are you?" My words got lost in the wind. I can't believe her, I give her everything. Checking the car again, I noticed my lack of jacket and the huge difference in the amount of money. "Embry, I fucking swear, if I find you I'll fucking gut you" I roared, pulling my phone from my pocket.

That little bitch thinks she can get one up on me. Pulling up the tracker app on my phone I thank my brilliance for installing a tracker in her ring. I can feel my eye twitch as I watch the red dot blink in my exact position, the shiny ring laying on the floor of the car catching my eye.

"FUCK." Running from the car I grab the driver by the neck. "I want you in that car and I want you to find my fucking wife, if you can't find her, I am going to make you watch as I torture and kill your whole fucking family and then end you, do you understand" my knuckles turning a dangerous shade of white as I threatened to end his life.

With a quick nod of his head I shoved him to the ground, pulling out my phone once again. Dialling my fathers number, I paced the tarmac, sending glares the way of the workers staring at me. "She fucking ran" I seethed not giving him a second to greet me. "Fuck, fix it Noah, if she goes to the authorities I'm not bailing your sorry ass out a second time," grinding my teeth, I fuck the phone on the ground watching it smash to pieces. Well he was no fucking help at all.

I swear to god when I get my hands on her, she's done. I'll mess her up so bad, that she will feel the need to gouge her eyes out at the thought of anybody but me. I always did prefer her with cuts and bruises anyway.

Threatening one of the plane staff, I managed to get his phone to phone Sebastian, although he was a prick, he was a genius at tracking people down. "Why hello little brother, I hear we got ourselves in a little predicament huh?" I could practically see his smirk, "don't fuck with me right now Sebastian, you know the things I am capable of."

"Always such a temperamental little one, aren't we, I've got men on it right now, you should have your precious little baby back in no time" he snorted. "And what are you getting out of it" I snapped, feeling suspicious of him being so quick to agree, "quite frankly Noah, I don't feel like dying by your hands, and I'm doing this under one condition", "what" I barked out, getting impatient.

Her little act of betrayal has me feeling murderous and I know for a fact daddy dearest keeps guns on this plane, but if I act too late all my little victims here will have already scattered. "Break her, she has you running around for her like a little pussy, she's gotten too used to her princess treatment, I don't want to watch you keep being made a fool of Noah, it's embarrassing."

I could feel the glass of the phone snap beneath the pressure of my now balled up hand. Requesting a car, I stormed the plane looking for some way to let out this fury. Once I found the guns I was going to kill everybody here, and make sure she feels every ounce of grief she has caused.


Get ready my little bug, I do love a good game of chase, and I never lose.

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