Chapter Twenty-Three: Happy anniversary my love

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Happy Halloween! I'm excited for you all to read this chapter!

Warning this chapter does contain, violence, homophobia as well as the usual unsettling topics. 

I hope you enjoy,



           "So Embry, senior year, exciting, what are your plans for after school?" Indigo questioned, sitting back in the armchair adjacent to the couch Noah and I were on. Sebastian mingled around the room, every now and again throwing looks my way while Evelyn pottered in and out.

Swishing the water in my glass around, I sat leaned into Noah's side participating in a conversion with Indigo. "Well, I-I guess I haven't given it much thought, with everything going on, it never really seemed like the most important thing" as soon as the words had left my mouth I felt my eyes widen.

Oh sh*t. She is going to find out about Noah in jail and then Noah is going to be mad at me and then I'm going to die. Yes, I'm 100% going to be brutally murdered. This was not in the plan to get Indigo's help.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, is everything okay?" I could feel Noah stiffen beside me, my head felt fuzzy and my sweat glands were working overtime. I could sense Sebastian's smirk as they all watched me about to crash and burn.

"Yeah, no, everything's fantastic, it isn't even a big deal I don't know why-, well it-, I-, well-, ehm, my dog died" my cheeks were most likely a deep red as I gave a little nod to make my lie seem convincing. "Yeah, Buster, my dog, he got hit by a car and, ehm, yeah" chewing on the inside of my cheek I avoided eye contact with her at all cost.

I really thought I was a better liar than this. "It's just a touchy subject for her" Noah reassured, side-eying me as his hand rubbed my arm up and down. "Yeah, of course it is" her smile was calming, enough to make me forget about grieving my imaginary dog.

Light conversation between the siblings carried on, I no longer trusted myself to talk. "I'm sorry" I whispered to Noah while Indigo had gone to top up her drink, "hey, don't worry, nothing is going to ruin this night plus I know how hard it's been on you ever since Buster passed" he teased as he hit his shoulder into mine.

My lungs opened up with relief as I playfully rolled my eyes at him. A scoff was heard from Sebastian's direction before he strutted out of the room. "Noah, Embry, dinner" Evelyn's voice called out.

Taking the seat beside Noah in the dining room, I found myself across from Indigo, Sebastian across from Noah, with Evelyn and James at either end of the table.

I still couldn't find it in myself to make eye contact with James, the dinner started quietly, small chatter as there always seemed to be in this house. "So Indigo, it's nice to have you back" Jame's retorted sarcastically, taking a bite of his food.

"I'm here for Noah, James" she spit back. I could feel my stomach knot up with the tension in the room, Noah seemed unbothered, Sebastian amused as always and Evelyn looked disappointed.

"Surprising considering how you have such a track record for abandoning your family" he remarked. "YOU kicked me out" their tones were slowly becoming shouts. I balled my dress in my hands trying to ease the anxiety that was eating away at me.

"Because you choose that girl over your own blood" he stated, "well, the real reason I came back father, was to let you know that me and that girl are getting married". My jaw was dropped as I took in the scene in front of me. "Indy, that's amazing congratulations" Noah cheered through the tightness in the air. "I will not have some sort of f*g under my roof, get your crap and leave" his voice boomed throughout the room.

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