Chapter Fourteen: Family history

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A massive thank you to @ARocco666 and everybody else who leaves encouraging comments. I will never be able to show my gratitude enough, you inspired me to finish and publish this chapter within a day of the last. Thank you so much!!

I hope you enjoy,



"911, what's your emergency"

The bathroom door seemed weak, as if it was just a temporary fit after Noah broke the other one. At least that's what it sounded like as Sebastian threw his body against it. "Help me please, I've been kidnappe-'' the phone fell from my hands due to their violent shaking. "Sorry ma'am I didn't get that, would you be able to repeat what you just said ''. Diving to the ground to retrieve the phone I clutched it with both hands.

The banging of the door was getting more violent with each second. "I've been kidnapped, I don't know where I am, my name is Embr-" a terror filled scream pierced the air as Sebastian's heaving body flew through where the door used to stand. "You f*cking b*tch" his boot slammed down crushing the phone against the tiles as his chest heaved up and down in fury.

I crawled to the corner of the bathroom, curling my body into a ball as my tear filled sobs echoed throughout the bathroom. "Just wait until Noah gets his hands on you, god it's going to be fun to watch him break you" he let out a humourless laugh as he yanked me onto my feet by my hair.

Kicking and screaming, I clawed at his hand as he dragged me down the hallway. Sliding along to floor I shouted profanities at him

The burn on my chest that had been a bearable ache before, began throbbing relentlessly at the sight of the basement door. My body slammed against the concrete floor as he threw me on the ground. Every inch of me screaming with agony as he shut and locked the door, leaving me unmoving in the dark, damp basement. I was in for it, Noah would be back soon and hurt me.

The tears involuntarily rolled down my face, was this really what my life had come to. Only last week I was in school so oblivious to my surroundings. My biggest worry being the math's test coming up and the nightmares.

God what I would give to be there in that world, the world that displaced me, the one I was so unfamiliar with nowadays. I crawled to the best of my ability over towards the worn out mattress on the floor. I avoided looking around the room in fear of the flashback I would get from when he branded me.

I had soon lost track of time as my throbbing head started to shut down, rendering me unconscious.

Movement around me was the first thing I noticed, the second being the uncomfortable pain that spanned throughout my body. "Embry, baby get up, we have to go" I groaned as the unforgiving light burned my eyes. Noah crouched down in front of me, his clothes looking tousled and worry lines creasing his forehead. "N-noah?" my voice was scratchy, my throat was raw as if I had been crying for the past four hours.

"Come on little bug, we have to go, you can sleep in the car", rubbing my groggy eyes, he gently took my wrist into his hand as I kept my head down, concentrating on not doing anything wrong. "A-are you really mad at me?" I whispered out afraid of the answer.

"I'm not mad at you babygirl" he reassuringly smiled, heading towards the open front door, I froze when Sebastian came into view, fear coursing throughout my body.

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