Chapter Forty-Six: May the best brother win

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I hope you enjoy,



(Noah's POV)

Throwing my shirt on, I smiled as I watched my beautiful wife sleep on my bed after screaming my name. A part of me itched to put the handcuff back on her wrist, but after the beginning to the day we just had I knew she was much more broken than I ever could have prayed. All pretty and waiting for me to mold her.

I was struggling to believe this was all happening to me, no, no, it must have been a dream. The way she squirmed beneath me, so needy for me. I should have known she never would have slept with Sebastian, it was a simple crush after all, she always had been susceptible to confusing feelings for safety. She would be eating out of the palm of my hand in no time, just the way it always should have been. She'll never have to worry about anything again with me.

A sadistic grin plastered itself on my face as I strolled into the kitchen, coming face to face with the one person I was simply dying to see. Sebastian. "I didn't actually think you'd come back so soon" I laughed out, rummaging through the cabinets as I contemplated what I was going to make for my little baby. She would certainly need her energy with all the strenuous activity we will be doing from now on.

"I can see you're enjoying this Noah, so tell me, when should I expect whatever revenge you have planned for me" a bored look occupying his face as he leaned unbothered against the counter. "Oh, well don't you see, this is it" I psychotically beamed, tilting my head ever so slowly.

"You want to know why I didn't kill you in the tattoo parlour, or why I haven't stuck a bullet between your eyes between the time I entered this kitchen and now?" I mockingly questioned, not waiting for an answer as I could see his body language stiffen. "You know, I saw it, I saw the way you looked at her," I shook my head in amusement, maintaining heavy eye contact with him. "As if she was the only human being to ever exist in your eyes, you think I don't know Sebastian but I know everything, the way she makes you feel because it's the exact same way she made me feel when we were growing up," I observed as he gulped harshly, finding truth within my words, "she's like a drug, no, she's worse than a drug, and you have this immense urge to hide her away from the world, to get to know every single thought that crosses her pretty little mine, to make her yours."

Crossing my hands across my chest, my eyebrow lifts at the way his hands clench, "she's the only thing you think of and it drives you mad, makes you murderous even, you feel as though you're drowning when she's away from you."

Letting out a small chuckle, I continued, "you've practically forgotten all about Charlotte, oh no she was just some fling in comparison to this, Embry's flipped your world upside down and let me tell you something brother, there is no getting over her."

"The Hill genes made themselves known later with you Sebastian, and it just so happened to be triggered by my wife, so you're wondering why I haven't killed you, well it's simple, because I know that keeping you alive as you watch her give herself to somebody else, as you observe her give me all the things you want, it's a fate worse than death."

Stalking towards him, my smirk falters as one rises on his face, "you're right" he admits. "I am all of those things, these feelings are simply unlike anything I have ever experienced and now that I've experienced them, I don't want to have anyone else but her."

A scowl on my face as I listened to the bullshit that left his lips. "My hands itch to hold her every moment she isn't in my arms, I want to worship her, no, I need to worship her. You're right, what I had with Charlotte is child's play compared to this, but I wouldn't get so comfortable if I was you brother" he spat.

"Hmm, funny you should say that, I do recall being very comfortable as she begged me to fuck her no more than two hours ago" a smug look settling on my face as I watched his jaw tick. "You should have heard how she screamed my name while I pounded into her, you never once crossed her mind."

"No because you see Noah, the thing is, we learnt this all from daddy dearest, and whatever you think he taught you, he taught his heir so much more, and a very special thing you seem to be forgetting, Embry has a thing for men who hurt and betray her." My knuckles burned to knock the cocky smile right off his face at the words that left his mouth next, "may the best brother win."

My glare burned holes in his back as he left the kitchen, that little prick. Picking up the nearest thing, I fucked it against the wall, watching in satisfaction as it smashed to pieces.

Never underestimate someone who has known Embry for fifteen years, brother.

(Embry's POV)

Slowly sitting up, I rubbed my eyes attempting to rid them of tiredness. "Hey princess" I yelped as my gaze shot to the occupied space in the bed beside me. Sebastian. My heart lurched painfully in my chest as I stared at him. "You need to leave, you need to leave right now" I shook my head vigorously, shuffling as far away from him as I could.

"It's okay, he's occupied in the kitchen, he won't be coming up for a while" he shot me a comforting smile, except it wasn't comforting to me anymore, because was it even real? "No Sebastian, I need you to leave" my voice cracked as I turned my head from him, unable to look at him any longer.

The familiar nauseous feeling building up within my stomach. I quickly moved to gather the blankets around my chest as I felt his stare burn my naked body. "So he wasn't lying" he frowned, a pained look adorning his face. "What?" I mumbled, desperately wanting to not give him the time of day but he was Sebastian, my Sebastian.

"He had mentioned that you and him had, you know, had sex" he explained as I could feel the bile rise in my chest, "I don't think that's any of your business" I spat, still refusing to look at him. My body jolting as his hand rested lightly on my back, my lip quivering at the familiar feeling. "Please, I can't" my eyes became foggy with tears as I finally turned to look at him.

"I couldn't let you believe that the stuff you found out yesterday was all we ever amounted to, Embry, I had practically scrapped that plan the moment I watched you so beautifully laugh at me for being covered in flour" he smiled fondly at the memory.

The tears trailed silently down my face, why couldn't he just go? Couldn't he see how much torture this was for me? "I love you Embry, my feelings for you are genuine, and I know yours are too, we can't just ignore that because Noah's a fucking dick," grimacing I shook my head.

"No, because this time it isn't Noah's fault Sebastian, this one was all you" I bitterly laughed, painstakingly readjusting my position so his hand slipped from my shoulder. "Fuck Embry, can't you see I'm crazy about you, what will it take for me to prove this to you?" he pleaded, grabbing my face in his two hands.

Pushing his hands from my face, my voice came out as a broken whisper, "if you want to prove it then leave me alone, I can't trust you anymore Sebastian, I shouldn't have in the first place."

"But-but, you're my princess, remember?" My heart squeezed with a terrible ache as his pained tone reached my ears. "Look, okay, I'll leave you alone, but only if you do this one thing for me" his eyes were wide as he used his hand to guide my face so I was looking straight at him.

"Tell me you don't have feelings for me Embry, just say it, say you feel nothing for me and I'll stop." I bit back a sob as I released a shaky breath, "you know I can't do that." "And you know I can't let you go" he frowned as he ever so slowly placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

He left silently after that, leaving me in peace, or at least with the little peace I had now. Why couldn't things be simple?

There was only so much I could run from before it caught up to me. 

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