Chapter Thirty-Eight: On the verge of a breakthrough

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There are a lot of different POVs in this so I really hope I don't confuse anybody. Noah seems to be slipping up now that he's been without Embry for so long, let me know what you think!

I hope you enjoy,



(Noah's POV)

Scrolling through my phone, a smile forms on my face as I hear the front door open and shut. Ah so the prodigal son returns. Furrowing my eyebrows, I look questioningly at him, "what the fuck are you covered in?"

His face remained stoic as he turned to face me from the doorway of the living area, "flour, Indigo thought it would be a great idea to try out making their own cake for the wedding, and I got dragged into it" he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"You fucking wimp" I sneered, turning back to my phone. "I think I might give her and Dakota a surprise visit tomorrow, it's been too long since I've visited her" I commented, turning my head just in time to catch the slip in his composure.

Well what in the hell was that Sebastian. "Aren't you worried she'll start asking questions about Embry's lack of presence, she did seem to take a liking to her when they first met" his jaw clenched as he glared down to where I was seated. I highly doubted that was the reason for his panic, guess it's going to be a very exciting day tomorrow. "Nah, excuses are easy, I'm sure I'll manage" I smirk at the huff from him.

"So, you haven't heard anything else about her?" Peering over to him in suspicion, I sat straight in my seat, "why, miss her already?" If only the little shit knew what I had been doing earlier, oh then I bet he would be all but running out that door. "I just think you're an even bigger prick when she's gone that's all."

"Well don't you worry brother, I plan on having her back very soon, and once I do she'll be with me for good, it's not like I plan on killing her off or anything" I smirk watching as his face dropped.

Oh how fun it is to play with him.

(Sebastian's POV)

My face dropped at his words, that didn't mean he... No, no, of course not. Rushing towards my room I pulled my phone out dialing Indigo's number. If Noah was to visit tomorrow, we couldn't risk having Embry there, especially not with Noah seeming so relaxed so often. He was up to something.

Groaning I watched as the call rang out, come on Indigo pick up. Trying several more times, I clutched my phone tightly as each one went to voicemail, guess I'd just be making a visit earlier than planned tomorrow.

Well whatever he was up to, I hoped it wouldn't interfere with my plans.

(Embry's POV)

"I don't know, that movie makes me cry everytime" I admit, grimacing as Dakota stopped on the movie Ghost. "Okay but like Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore, I mean come on, the best of both worlds" Dakota argued. Indigo sitting back down now carrying a pizza box, "you two are like children" she scolds.

"Okay well pizzas here now, so phone away, remember it's a girl's night no distractions" Dakota orders, pouring cola for all of us. "I'm putting it in the kitchen now, no need to cry about it" she sticks her tongue out, running to leave her phone beside in the kitchen. "And I'm the one who is like a child" I roll my eyes, laughing at their antics.

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