Chapter Twenty-Two: The build-up

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HI, REMINDER I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH! Friends can lowkey suck sometimes, and I apologise for making you all wait so long for this chapter. I hope school is going good for those who have it and for those I don't I hope work and life is treating you well. I enjoyed writing this chapter a little too much.

I hope you enjoy,



*Flash forward*

I tried to ignore the blood that trailed the length of my arms. Noah's hands exploring each inch of my body carelessly, his lips attacking the tender skin of my neck as I bit back the bile that forced its way up my throat. My eyes had taken a permanent position of being tightly shut, all he had to do was open his eyes to see the disgust that lay upon my face and his little fantasy would be ruined. I couldn't let that happen.

I forced myself to relax, I needed to keep him occupied, even if it meant sacrificing my dignity. My heart was beating in overdrive as he slowly lifted his lips from my skin, "you're so perfect Embry, and now, you're finally mine" his smirk was demonic, one that dug a bottomless pit of dread in my stomach.

Maybe at some other time this attention wouldn't have been so bad. Maybe another time when I wasn't covered in blood that wasn't mine.

*Present time*

The sun was blinding as the curtains were forced open. "Time to get up little bug" Noah's voice sung from somewhere in the room. Groaning, I flipped onto my stomach, shoving my face into the mattress trying to block out the disturbing light.

"No" I mumbled, trying to once again find sleep. Clearly he had other plans, I yelped as the blanket was ripped off of me, the cold air burning my skin.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey" he teased, chuckling as I kicked my legs trying to rid them of his latest grip. Holding an ankle in each of his hands, he hauled my legs off the end of the bed with my head now half way down the bed and my torso on the precipice of it. "Noah, stop being a wet sock and let me sleep" I groaned more awake then I would have liked to be.

"Fine you've left me no choice" he feigned sadness, "I'll just tell them to throw out all the chocolate muffins they made." Shooting up in the bed I turned to face him, "what, why didn't you say there were muffins" I was wide awake now. "No it's fine, I know how important your sleep is, I'm sure they'll understand" he managed to keep a sullen looking face but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

Standing up, I shoved him, "freaking a**-hat", tripping over his feet he grabbed onto the bed sheet for support but ended up taking it down with him. Uncontrollable laughter from both of us filled the room at what had happened, his face kept replaying in my head, the pure panic and I found myself laughing so much my stomach began to ache.

His face... the face of a murderer. The feeling of being punched in the stomach hit me full wack yet again and my laughter stopped abruptly.

What am I doing?

Faking a smile, I played off the sudden cloud that hung over my head, "I'm going to get dressed", stumbling off towards the wardrobe I dug my nails into my palm trying to get myself together.

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