Chapter Thirty-Six: A point of no return

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I apologise for nothing.

I hope you enjoy ;)



  (Noah's Pov)

One whole week without my pretty flower. One. Whole. Fucking. Week. I could feel my sanity slipping through my fingers with every moment that went by. I had never felt such a lack of control. I was always one step ahead, always.

Call me an optimist but I could feel it, something would happen soon and I'd have her back but the uncertainty of it was killing me. I hadn't felt this helpless since I was a child taking my father's hits of anger. Embry was my anchor. She was the one who kept my blood pumping through my veins and my heart beating in my chest. Every breath of air I took was for her.

All the anger and frustration was building within me, patiently waiting for a release. I couldn't use Sebastian as my release, he kept skipping off to help Indigo with the wedding, bidding to my mother's wishes but I knew deep down something was up, so I had my men trail him but there was nothing, he really just had been going to visit Indigo in her tattoo parlour everyday. I knew there was nothing to be suspicious of there because Indigo would never fuck me over like he would.

Confronting Sebastian about helping Embry was a dead end, no new information had come from it since, it was weird. All the tape recordings after Embry stepped on that train were tampered with but not the ones before, almost like he had wanted me to see them. I wasn't one for being commonly stumped but this was getting to me, I couldn't figure out why.

Listening to my emotions I wanted to pummel the fuck out of my backstabbing brother and beat the answers from him but something inside of me was telling me to wait. It would be worth it in the long run. Just like my little bug drilled into me, "everything happens for a reason", it was risky to put my faith into that right now, but the universe always seemed to work in my favour.

Picking up my phone as it pinged out, my eyes widened with delight as I read the message staring up at me.

And so everything begins to fall in place.

(Embry's POV)

I had gotten much more comfortable here, not feeling the need to look behind me every couple minutes or the heavy paranoia of Noah hiding around the corner at every turn. Most surprisingly me and Sebastian had gotten a lot closer than I ever could have anticipated.

He had come and visited me every day for the past week, each day indulging me with his presence for longer than the previous. So when I found myself eagerly waiting by the door of my apartment for his presence I couldn't help but feel a pang of shame within my chest. Trusting a Hill had gotten me into this mess and here I was, trying to convince myself it was just my need for human contact.

Yet I felt as though if anybody else was to walk through that door I would be disappointed. I really was losing my mind staying cooped up inside all day. "Hey princess" he cheered, kicking the door closed behind him, his arms overflowing with bags. "What's all this?" I questioned, my curiosity peaking, as I stood on my tippy toes trying to get a peek into the bags.

"Well, the other day, you were telling me about how you felt homesick and were craving your mother's homemade brownies, soooooo I thought maybe we could make them together, give you something fun to do while being locked up in here" a red hue tinting his cheeks.

"Sebastian, oh my god, this has to be one of the nicest things you've ever done for me. I-I appreciate it truly" a genuine smile gracing my lips for the first time in a while. "Don't thank me yet, I do tend to be a bit of a disaster in the kitchen" he chuckled, placing the bags on the counter.

Helping him unpack the items he bought I froze as I picked up a beautiful bouquet of coloured roses, "these are beautiful" I gasped. "Oh right, yeah, I just saw them and I guess they reminded me of you, so I bought them for you" he nervously trailed off, scratching the back of his neck.

Spinning quickly so I wasn't facing him, I pushed my hands against my eyes hoping it would prevent my tears, spoiler, it did not. "Woah, I'm sorry if I did something to upset you I just thought it would have been nice to have some colour in here" panic lacing his tone.

Laughing through my tears at his alarmed tone, I turned around to face him, my tears still running freely, "no, don't apologise, it- it means a lot to me Sebastian, my emotions are just all over the place at the moment I guess" I sniffle, staring at him through my tear filled eyes.

"It's bare minimum Embry," letting out an airy laugh he steps forward, gently bringing me into a hug. Well this felt a little weird. Bringing my head to rest on his chest, I remained curled against him as his arms fell softly against my back. "You're okay princess, you're okay" he whispered, brushing his thumb softly against my clothed back.

Sniffling, I gathered myself as I recovered from that spurt of emotions, "thank you" I whispered, turning back to place the roses in a vase. "They really are beautiful" I smiled up at him, my face hot from the tears. "That's why they reminded me of you" he muttered to himself, lining up the ingredients we would need. holyshitohmygod. Cool, keep it cool Embry.

"So, let's begin shall we?" I bounced around the kitchen, thrilled to finally be able to do something that reminded me of home.

Looking over to him as I butter the pan, I stopped what I was doing, needing my hand to clutch onto my stomach as laughter spilled continuously from me. "I'm so confused as to why you're covered in flour when you haven't even added it to the batter" I said this time clutching the counter as I watched him try to blow it from his nose.

"Hey, no fair, I told you I was bad in the kitchen" he playfully glared, shoving my shoulder. Glancing at my shoulder, I stared mouth agape at the big white hand print on my top. "You. Did. Not" I stared in disbelief as he was now the one laughing, "you little shit, Indy gave me this top" I folded my arms over my chest, pretending to be mad.

"Well then I guess, we should fix that" he smirked mischievously, confused I realised too late what it was his motives were. Clutching handfuls of flour he stalked towards me, grabbing me and splattering the majority of my clean top with flour. Both of us were too deep in fits of laughter to speak.

Struggling against his hold, I managed to reach and grab the bag of flour, dumping it on top of his head. "Why you little minx" he gasped, pulling me to his chest, trying to rub the flour off of him onto me.

Both heaving for air at this point we stilled, a certain tension falling around us as our eyes found each other. Brushing a piece of hair behind my hair slowly, his hands rested just below my mid back, as mine fell against his chest. "You know, you weren't what I expected you to be" his eyes contained a heavy look of guilt, which I brushed off as from his past actions. 

"I'm sorry" he whispered, inching ever so slowly towards my face. Letting my eyes flutter shut, I waited in anticipation until his lips finally met mine. His gently caressing mine, not thinking straight I pushed myself further into the kiss. This point clutching onto his shirt as his tongue danced around mine.

It had all felt like a scene straight out of a movie. But I should have known. The only movie I was ever destined to be in was one of the horror genre.

Because this was it, I had just hit a point of no return. 

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