Y/n start

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(3rd person)

Cold. It's so cold.

Y/n was sat in front of a pool of blood coming from the bodies of his parents. He looks at the horde of villains in front of him leaded by a man in a black suit with a boy not any older than fifteen by the side of him. Y/n looks down and sees the movement of his parents hand as they grab the boys wrist. His veins pop out of his arms as he feels power flow into him.

Y/n looks at his parent in the eyes as they say "run, run out little Prince". With them words he feels a gust of wind come his way. His farther pushes him back as the villains reach and miss him by an inch. He looks as the man in the suit rises his arm and squashes his parent in one swing.

Once he had been pushed out of site he ran and ran all the way to a forest. He sat down not being able to control his emotions. He screams at the top of his lungs as a fire starts coming from his right arm and electricity on the left. Wind started blowing creating a mini tornado around him. After 30 minutes of this his voice starts fading away. He kept going but no sound  came from his mouth. When another 5 minutes passed he stopped and all the Fire, wind and electricity stopped as well.

He stands up a s looks at the damage he had caused. He went to say something but realised his voice was gone so he did all he knew to do the last words he heard. He started running and ended up on a hill in front of a school that looked like a H.

He looks at the building. Knowing what it is. The top hero school in Japan UA. He looks at the building and starts thinking 'why why weren't you, the people who call them selfs hero's. Why weren't you there.' He turns around and all he is thinking is 'I will show you a true hero and will rain hell on any villain that crosses my path.' With that he walks away but just in time to hear sirens going in a familiar direction. 'Too late you pathetic excuse for hero's and protectors.'

Time skip (Y/n POV )
'So five years have passed.' I look up to the glass H that will lead me on a the path to show the world a true symbol of peace.

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