Entrance exam

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(Y/n POV)
'Let's get this started then.' I start walking up to the UA entrance in a black hoodie and sweatpants. On my way up I notice a boy with green hair with a weird but determined face almost fall only to start floating. 'Must be that girl behind him quirk.'

After witnessing whatever that was I make my way to take the written test that I know I'm gonna pass mainly cause it was easy but their were a few semi hard questions but I'm very smart for my age. After this I make my way to a big room filled with students. I end up next to some boy with glasses who looks like he is paying way to mush attention to everything.

After everyone is in the lights go down and the most loud and obnoxious present mic appears with his loud screaming. He starts talking about these robots but the the boy next to me starts complaining about the sheet being wrong and that the boy with green hair is mumbling too loud. Honestly I just wish he would shut up.

After that is finished I end up at a battle ground that is meant to have all these different types of robots in that we have to destroy but I have a feeling that there may be more to this that I can't put my finger on.

I looks around and see a few interesting characters. One girl is completely pink and has doom eyes like a raccoon and a girl that looks has earphone jacks for ears. Then there is someone who is making small glass looking bubbles warming up and a boy with purple hair that looks like he hasn't slept in two weeks.

'Guess I should stretch a tiny bit.' As I am stretching in hear present mic start saying something and then out of no where he shouts "Go." As soon as them words left his mouth I was gone pushing my self forward with wind. Everyone else looks confused but present mic says something I can't hear but once it was said they start running.

I reach the first group of robots and in one punch I create a wave of fire that enfolds them. After that's taken care of I start running to the next group and continue this until I have about 55 points. I end up in a very populated area and start taking out the ones some people are struggling with the the purple hairs boy but as I am doing this I see a girl with vines for hair about to get hit right in the back. As soon as I see this I mix my electricity and air to launch myself and completely destroy the robot. The girl looks at me and says "thank you for that I was getting a bit overwhelmed" I look at her and say "it's fine and then take off." As I am running I feel a large earthquake happen but then realise that there is a massive robot and that must be the zero pointer they were talking about.

I make my way over to it and see that people look like they are about the get squashed 'well may as well help don't want anyone dying' as I am thinking this I run up and make sure that no one is under it at a crazy speed. I look back at the robot and start to think 'I could show off and show UA that this ain't gonna stop the next number one.' I run up and start pumping blood mixed with pulling air under my feet to launch myself all the way up the head of the robot and but covering my arm in blood and increasing my strength by a crazy amount I punch the robot and compliantly destroy it as I slowly glide down people are looking at en with socked expressions but I really do t care as that was literally nothing to what I can do.

Shortly after the exam end and I head home with only one thought 'I must get into ua for my parents and show the world a true symbol of peace.'

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