Sports festival

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(Y/n POV)
My eyes flutter open as a beam of light through my window hit them. I slowly reach to my bedside table to pick up my phone. As I check the time I see it is 7:00 o'clock "Guess I should get up, it's the sports festival today after all"
I exclaim as I finally get up from my bed to take a shower. After my shower I have something to eat then head to my car to go to momo's. After a while I get to momo's at 7:55 and the gates are already open for me. During this week of preparation for the sports festival me and momo have gotten to know each other better and I have helped her learn new ways to fight and use her quirk but so has everyone else in class. I reach the top of the drive and walk up to the door opens revealing niko at the door "hi y/n, you ready for the sports festival today" she asks as I walk up to the door "yeah I'm ready me and momo have been training a lot" I reply as I walk into the house as momo walks down the stairs "hi y/n" momo smiles as she walks quickly up to me and gives me a hug "okay we'll you two should get going, you don't want to be late" "yeah we will see you later love you mom" momo says as we start walking to my car "good luck" niko says as we are about to enter the car "thank you" we reply. We get into the car and start driving to the school. As we are driving we talk about the sports festival and momo is constantly thanking me for helping her train but as we are talking I start thinking about something that happened last night.

Time skip
All of us in class 1-a were changed and ready for the sports festival. As we were waiting a decide to get some fresh air. When I lift up momo looks up at me "where you going y/n?" She questions me. I look down and reply "just getting some fresh air before we start" "okay we'll be back in time" she says as I walk to the door. I walk to the outside of the arena which is full of people buying food, merchandise and whatever else they want. As I'm walking around I happen to bump into someone as I look I see a woman with what looks like horns on her head in a hero costume with two other hero's "oh sorry about that" I say to the woman "it's fine but you should which where your going *she looks me up and down* wait are you a ua student?" Asks the woman "yeah I'm in class 1-a" I reply to the woman "oh wow class 1-a they were the ones in the villain attack, I wonder how strong you are" she steps closer to me "I'm very strong and I will properly... actually I will win" "very confident army you boy well you should get going it's about to start" a man which looks like wood says "yeah well it was nice to meet you" with that I walk away.

(3rd person)
Y/n is walking back to the arena while the 3 hero's watch "he seemed a bit cocky didn't he" kamui woods says as him mt'lady and death arms go back to doing what they should be "yeah he did but if he is strong I may see if he wants to come work with me" mt'lady says. Y/n walks up to the room and feels the tension but then the speakers blast as present mics voice booms through them and we make our way to the entrance. "Welcome back to the ua sports festival, where up and coming hero's leave everything on the field as they fight for online fame and become celebrities. Now use to the spot light you know them for withstanding the villain attack, the dazzling students that have lit up your TVs with there amazing skills the hero course students of class 1-a" present mic shouts as the crowd cheers. All of the class 1-a students walk out into the the arena as present mic starts talking again "they haven't gotten as much screen time but are still full of talent Rd the hero course class 1-b, then there is general studies class c, d and e, the support classes f, g and h, finally business classes I, j and k." All the other classes walk into the arena. The crowed cheers as we all walk to the centre. Finally all of the students are stood in front of midnight who the boys in the audience and classes start blushing and talking about. "Er someone should talk to miss midnight about what she is wearing" kirishima says with a little blush on his face "yeah that costume should come with a warning" kaminari says stunned "is it really appropriate apparel for a high school game" tokoyami says in his monotone voice. "Silence everyone, it is now time for the student pledge and to do it katsuki bakugo" everyone looks at bakugo as he walks up to the mic. Everyone starts talking about bakugo or other things while midnight looks at y/n with a look that says it should be him. Then bakugo reaches the mic as says "I just want to say... I'm gonna win" all of class 1-a freak out except for y/n and todoroki. All the other student start booing him and members of class 1-a shout at him for making them even more of a target. As everyone starts to calm down a hand is raised by a random student "yes do you have a question" midnight asks the student "yeah I'm not trying to sound rude but I thought it was the person who came first on the entrance exam who did the pledge but that wasn't him" the student asks as all the others student start talking about it as well. Class 1-a Instead look a y/n who is just looking down. Midnight takes a look at him and asks "well if he likes he can?" Everyone in the entire stadiums attention move to y/n who slowly makes his way up to the mic. As he reaches it he says something that causes everyone to be shocked "this events stupid and now I'm up here I'll tell you why first of all you are all getting super excited to watch a bunch of kids fight for your entertainment, secondly this just shows villains us future hero's weaknesses and finally what's the point in me being here I'm stronger than all of the other students and will win without even trying" everyone stares at the boy and then everyone starts booing and complaining but he says quietly "just shut up all of you or I'll make you" this causes more uproar and the teaches realise they are loosing control but y/n slowly lift himself into the air and raises his left arm. Everyone looks at him still booing put he slowly lifts his index finger that causes wind to start blowing around the stadium like crazy and lightning bold hit the ground but after about a minute everyone is now quiet and y/n slowly lower his finger and goes back to his spot. After everything has calmed down midnight speaks up "without further a-due it's time to get started, this is where you will start to feel the pain, now the first game of the festival" midnight whips her hand as a spinning wheel appears above her. The wheel spins and land on obstacle course "the event will work like this, all classes will run around the stadium avoiding obstacle's and also as long as you stay on the course anything goes" after midnight finishes all of the students line up ready to start the course. Everyone waits in anticipation as the lights start counting down. "Begin" midnight shouts as all the students start running down a narrow hall way. All the students start bumming into each other trying to get through the hall way only bit out of no where the floor become's ice causing students to get frozen and slip on the floor. From the exit of the hall way todoroki can be seen using his ice to increase his speed but students like yaoyorozu, bakugo and y/n manage to get past his ice and start gaining on him. Bakugo starts screaming at todoroki as other students manage to get past the ice like ojiro using his tail or Mina using her acid.

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