Back to school

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(Y/n pov)
After talking with the hero commission I make my way to Tartarus I get changed into some baggy trousers, a baggy black T-shirt, a hat and a black face mask with a pair of blacked out glasses and change the car I am in into a black Mercedes. As I get to the prison I walk forwards as guards stand in my way. The one on the right is first to speak "what are you here for, is it to visit" he asks as I pull a card out of my pocket. The guard looks at it before moving to the side "sorry I've never seen you in person detective H" I look in his direction and nod as I walk into the prison. I walk around to a seat wear I see a woman in her twenties at the desk she looks at me and says "who are you here to see" she questions as I pull my card out again "I'm here to have a little chat with the hero killer stain" she takes the card and looks at me "yes I will get some guards to show the way one minute" she picked up the phone in her desk and after about 2 minutes some guards show up and lead me to an white room where there is a table and two chairs with the hero killer on one side and a chair on the opposite. I look back to the guards and say "you can leave, I know what I'm doing" they look confused for a second but as I show the card they relies who I am and leave us making the room fall into silence. I take my seat across from the hero killer as he doesn't look amused "so chizome akaguro or as your vigilante name stain, I would like to ask" he cuts me off "I don't care, I've said all I need to say" he looks at me as I begin speaking "well I think I know why but the thing is interested in is did you have any links to the league of villains" he looks at me with a dead expression and says "they wanted me to work with them I said no, that's all that happened" I begin talking again "well that seems fair, I'm guessing you won't tell me where this took place or anything... but I could use your help... you see I really want to take down the league of villains but I also want to do something else... wanna know what that is" he looks as me with a questioning look before nodding "I want fix this hero society... I know how scum it is so once I've completed my other goal I want to make a hero society where people are hero's like all might, hero's that don't care for money and fame, true hero's... obviously I can't tell many about this but you understand so help me and I can help your dream" he looks at me before talking as he tells me his ideology, why he did it and what he has learnt. I sit there for a moment before speaking "well that is good information, as much as I would love to have you work with me, your did do some bad things and as a detective I can't allow you to rome free but I will thank you and If you ever get out try and find me and help me fix this hero society as I can see a heart some where I there" I walk away leaving him in silence as he sits and looks like he is thinking. As I walk out the room I am greeted by some guards as I say "he didn't talk much I got nothing out of him so just take him away and I can get out myself" I command as they scatter off as I walk to the door and exit to my car as I drive off home thinking about what I had learnt.
Time skip
I find myself back at my home. I get changed into some different clothes and hide my other clothing mainly my mask and glasses. Once that is done I sit down in a fairly big room that consisted of posters on the wall, colourful lights, a big desk that has 3 monitors on it a pic under it and a lot of other things placed around. I sit down in the chair as I load up a game and set up everything I need to record my footage and microphone as I begin playing and talking. In this time I feel relaxed being able to do what I love playing games and making YouTube videos. This is the time when I get to relax instead of being the hero course student y/n or the blood shinigami and detective H. At this moment I can just have fun like when I'm with momo as spending time with her makes me forget about everything else. I end up playing and recording for about 6 hours and when I finally look to the time is get slightly surprised "whoops, I did it again, I guess I should go to momo's now" I say as I check everything is done as I make pack a bag full of some extra items I need as I make my way to momo's.

After about 30 minutes I arrive at momo's as I see the car knowing they had returned. I make my way up to the door and use the key I was given from nessa to open the door as I walk into the living room that momo and nessa are in. Momo spots me and runs up to me and gives me a hug saying "hi y/n" I look down to her as I reply "hey, how was your day" momo looks up to me and says "it was good me and mom went shopping and then for food what about you" "I just went back home nothing important" I respond as we walk over to nessa. We sit and talk for a while and lose track of time as we realise we should really go to sleep as nessa says "oh my, it's already that time we'll I guess we should go sleep you've got school tomorrow" nessa stands up as we do the same and walk up to our rooms but before we walk away from nessa me and momo say "goodnight nessa" as she responds with "goodnight momo, goodnight y/n" we smile as we go to momo's room where as soon as I walk in and shut the door momo's lips clash with mine as our tongs fight but I allow hers to win as she explore my mouth. We continue for a while until we split for air as momo say "I'm gonna go take a shower" she gives me a quick kiss and walks off to the bathroom. I sit in her bedroom and turn on her tv as I go to YouTube. I decide to log into my account and put on a video as momo walks out so I swap with her and go into the shower but what I came back out too I wasn't expecting. I look to momo who looks at me and says "hey y/n, you wouldn't happen to" she points to the tv as it shows my videos as I realise what momo has figured out "well looks like you've found that out" I say as I walk and get under the covers with her as she says "wow look at that my little y/n is quite famous" I giggle a bit and say "it's just really fun but it's getting late so we should go to sleep. She looks at me and smiles as she turns the tv off and we cuddle as we fall asleep.

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