Internship with miruko

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(Y/n POV)
Today is finally the day of internships. After the girls of the classes figured out me and momo were dating we decided that we may as well tell our class mates who congratulated us but now me and momo with a couple others from class 1-a are waiting for everyone to get here including mr aizawa.
After a while everyone was ready and mr aizawa was about to let us go "have all of you got your hero costumes and train tickets" he asks as Mina speaks up "yes mr Aizawa!" "Calm down we are in public" this causes Mina to deflate a bit "we'll get going" mr Aizawa says as students begin leaving. After a while momo's train comes for her "this looks like my train so I will see you in a couple of days love you" she says as her lips connect onto mine in a long, loving kiss. We finally split as I speak up "love you too" as the words exit my mouth she smiles at me and walks to her train. I look at her as the train starts moving making her fade into the distance. I have about 10 more minutes till my rain gets here so I decide to get a drink but when I come back I happen to see jiro and tsu "hey jiro, tsu" I say in my more happy tone "oh hi y/n you still waiting for your train, kero" tsu questions "yeah but it will be here soon but anyways who did you two pick to go with" I reply walking up to them "I'm going with death arms" "and I'm going with selki" they both answer "I'm hoping to work on my recon skills and also hand to hand combat since I'm close range fights I struggle" jiro says messing with her earphone Jack's "I can always help if you like" I say back to her "yeah that will be good because you trained momo before the sports festival right" jiro questions "yeah i did but because of you quirk, height and prior knowledge I would have help you in a different way and it didn't take a lot" this seems to peak her interests "really like what" she asks. I raise my hand towards her "strike my hand, as hard as you can like it's a villain" i command. She pulls her arm back and gives a decent punch to my hand but I can already see her flaws "make the stance you started with again *she moves into the stance* good now I'm just gonna move your positioning that alright" she confirms with a nod of the head. I'm slightly adjust her arms and legs. Once complete I stand I don't of her "strike me again *she punches a lot stronger* see already better but it looks like my gain is here, so see you lot later" I say as I tune around and walk to my train "thank and see ya/see you soon kero" they say in sequence.

Time skip
'Looks like I'm here' I say to myself as I walk up to a very nice but small building. As soon as I enter I see miruko the rabbit hero. She turns around at the sound of the bells and instantly launches at my with a kick that I manage to doge. She lands behind me and rotates her self into another leg sweep that I manage to jump over but before my feet hit the ground she goes for a right jab at my stomach but before she makes contact I grab her arm and deliver my own kick to her side. I use this to get a decent distance away. As she rises up I see her smirking "I'm impressed, you can take care of yourself that's what I like, I'm guessing you already know who I am and I'm gonna guess your the person I gave a chance. It's y/n isn't it" miruko says in a strong tone "yes, I'm y/n I actually feel honed having someone like you ask for me to work with you" I reply in a calm tone "let me show you to where you will be staying and what we will be doing" she says walking up some stairs that I follow her through. We walk down a hallway into a bedroom that has a wardrobe, tv, a double bed, bathroom and other essentials "this will be where you will be staying so get comfortable and in 20 minutes I want you in your hero costume downstairs" she says as I give her a nod.

Once I was ready I meet mirko downstairs "so what is it we will be doing?" I ask "first I want to test your strength and then we will go on patrol" she answers as she walks to a door. As she reaches out and opens it I see a staircase leading to a underground level. She gives me a nod to follow her and as we get to the bottom I spot a training field filled with all different terrain like a small mountain area a small forest area and small lake and a area a fight in the middle "so first let's see how you can save people while fighting others, as you can see in the pool area there are red and blue training dummies you must defeat the red ones and save the blue ones as fast as possible. On the blue ones you can see that the yellow parts signify damage like broken bones and cuts so be careful with them now start" as she says commands a timer appears and I start. The first thing I do in I control the water and instantly knock all the red dummies that are now approaching me away with small whirlpools. Once they are all trapped I create vines that grab and keep them in place. I launch into the air and begins lifting the injured dummies and resting them on the ground. Once complicate I look at the times and see 15 seconds "well done I'm impressed now the next one" miruko leads me to the mountain area. "Next around the area are 4 blue dummies but this time there is only 1 villain who is throwing boulders down first you need to save the civilians then capture the villain... now start" the timer above starts as I make my way up the mountain as a Boulder comes towards me I create vines from the ground that grab and hold it still giving me a chance to get past. I run up to the dummies and begins taking them down to the safe am zone before lunching over all the boulders towards the villain and using a vines I restrain his body but also rise the ground below him to trap his feet. I go back down to miruko who looks at the time "37.8 second, I'm yet again impressed but time for the next one" she speaks walking towards the forest area "finally you have to rescue 3 dummies, they are all being held hostage but 3 red dummies but around the area there are another 3 red dummies first take out the ones on the outside then the ones inside... now begging" the timer starts yet again as I quietly make my way to the moving red dummies that are patrolling the area. I make a bush rustling sound next to the farthest two making them walk over to it giving me time to crate vines and capture the lonely one. I slowly make my way to the other two and freeze them in a instant. Now they are finally down I make my way to the hostages an din one clients motion vines pull the hostages away as ice covers the red dummies solid. I make my way to the safe spot and place the blue dummies down stopping the timer "1 minute 11 seconds, for a hostage situation on your own I'm very impressed. You have potential so let's go on patrol and try to keep up" miruko snickered as we took to the street.

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