Back to school

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(Y/n POV)
I open my eyes to a blinding light coming from my monitor into my eyes "fuck why is it so bright" I look to my left and see the time is 7:30 "I need to get ready, don't want to be up late to pick up momo." I walk to my bathroom to get showers and changed thinking about momo and the day before. After getting ready i go to my garage to pick the car to go in "what to go in today, I'll go in the same car I did yesterday day again" I enter my car and start playing my music as I take off to momo's.
After about 15 minutes I get to momo's and look at the time "7:57 hope she's ready cause if not we may be late" I walk up to the front door and am greeted by niko "hi niko" "hi y/n how are you" "I'm good just a bit tired" "hi y/n." I look past niko and see momo coming down the staircase "hey momo you ready to go" "yeah I'm ready, I see you later" "see you later dear." We walk up to my car and get ready to go to school but before I start driving I feel momo put her had on me. I turn my head to see what see wants but am met with a kiss, it was a bit more aggressive then the other times we kissed but I liked it. After about 15 second we split and smile at each other as I start driving to school. "So do you think aizawa will be in lessons y/n" "yeah he will be" "how do you know he was in real bad condition after the incident" "he was but he is t the type to miss out teaching us because of it" "yeah I guess he is the type to but I wanted to ask you something" "go on then" "well at the usj you created some black fire but I thought you could only make normal fire, because the type you made completely destroyed the area it hit" " yeah I actually don't know how I did it but afterward I felt quite tired and my arm felt like it was burning so I guess I can increase the temperature of my flames but the drawback is worse" "I guess so but that's really cool to be able to make strong flames. I wonder if you can do it with other elements" " I might need to try that." After talking a bit more we finally got to school and I had just parks the car "you ready to go momo" " yeah I just wanted to ask should we let it be know we are dating" "I don't mind it's up to you momo" "I think we should keep it a secret a bit" "okay that's fine but we do need to get to class or we will be late, but before that" I light grab momo's cheeks and pull her into a kiss, after a couple of seconds we split and make our way to our class. As we walk into class we hear everyone talking about if they think mr aizawa will be teaching us today.

(3rd person pov)
Flash back
All might, nezu, midnight, snipe, vlad king and detective tsukauchi are seen in meeting room talking about the usj incident. "Is that all we need to talk about" asked vlad king "I think so" tsukauchi replies "actually there is something I would like to talk about" nezu states "what is it?" All might asks "it's about this" a screen pops up showing some footage from the usj "I managed to get some footage from the usj but it would randomly cut in and out" nezu says as he goes to a certain part "so what is it you wanted to show us?" Midnight says "well it's about a certain student y/n" nezu pulls up
y/n's report as well "first I would like to ask, all might if I remember right you told me y/n managed to take a strike from the nomu and came out unharmed" he and all the teachers look at all might who nods "but he did more as well didn't he, if I'm right didn't you, midoriya, kirishima, bakugo and todoroki see him get disintegrated but a few seconds later he was completely fine." "Well yes we did, I don't know how he but it must of been part of his quirk, it would be on his report right nezu" "yes it normally would all might but if you look at his report there is a lot missing from it first of all his full name, then he has no emergency contact number and his quirk only says element creation and manipulation. So I do wonder is there more about him, that's why I asked tsukauchi to look into him and has that been done" they now turn there attention to the detective "yes I did but there was a problem" "oh and what would that be?" Nezu says as he tilts his head "well I did look into him but that's the problem there was nothing to look into, no birth certificate, nothing about his parents there was nothing about him it's like he was never born" there was a moment of silence "do you made think his parents may of kept him secret" snipe asks "that's the only reason I can think of, but why" midnight replies "I have one more thing to show that me, midnight and snipe found" nezu adds "what's that" vlad king asks "we'll look at this footage" the screen changes and shows y/n just as he was teleported "you see when y/n got teleported by the warp villain the camera happend to not catch his fight, it seemed like it was being forced to look away but just before he fought he looked at the camera" they all look at the recording and see as y/n looks at the camera then it is moved to look away from his fight "but then afterwards when it moved back" everyone looks and see all the villains beaten and all overs in blood "I know some of the kids did a lot to the villains but when we saw them, they were scared to even move so what did he do" midnight asks "I will try to figure that out when the students come back"
Flash back end
(Y/n POV)
I walk to my seat as momo goes and talks to jiro and Mina. As I am walking I see bakugo glaring at me but I pay him no attention as I just sit down and look at my phone. After a little bit ilda starts telling everyone to sit down but we all are already and the mr aizawa walks in "morning class" "mr aizawa what are you doing here" almost all the class shouts "woah what a pro" kaminari says as ilda says "sir I'm happy you are okay" but uraraka adds "you call that okay" "my well being is irrelevant what's more important is your fight isn't over yet" aizawa says as he walks to the podium "the ua sports festival is about to start" a lot of people have different views on the matter but then before aizawa can speak up there is a knock on the door. "Come in" aizawa says as the door opens up revealing midnight 'im getting a weird sense of deja vu' and as my thought finishes midnight says "can I have y/n please" I stand up and walk to the door and exit the class but as I leave I see everyone looking at me wondering why I was leaving lessons yet again. I walk behind midnight and asks "so the principal want me again" "yep he want to ask you some questions" "I hope it's not long I wanted to know more about the sports festival" after a bit more walking we get the the principals door and I take a step in and see nezu, cementoss, snipe and a detective. "Hello y/n would you like to take a seat" nezu says as he directs me to a seat I front of him "I don't know what I did this time but why is there so many teaches" "that doesn't matter, all I really want to know about is the usj incident and learn more about you" "what do you mean learn more about me" I look at him with a confused look "okay what about the usj and about me" "we want to know about the people you fought at the usj" snipe says as he looks at me "what about them, they were villains" "we yes they were but when we found the ones you fought they happened to be a-lot more scared then the other ones that other students fought, now why is that" nezu asks me. I look at him and the teaches trying to think of an answer "there villains, they got what they deserved, they attacked first so in self defend I fought back, they were trying to kill us you know" "that's a fair point, so let's move on" nezu gains a more serious face as I hologram pops up with my data on it "y/n if you look at this there is a lot of information missing first being your full name, then that black of quirk information , no home address, no emergency contact, there's nothing and that's not all... we looked into you but couldn't find anything, I want to know who are you, what is your quirk or quirks, who are your parents y/n" as soon as I hear him being up my parents I feel my anger boil "I ain't answering this shit, I didn't come to this school to be interrogated" I start walking to the door and decide to add in one more thing "I will tell you this nezu... stay the fuck out of my life" I stare at him with a look that causes them all to freeze "or I'll kill you" as I finish I walk out leaving the teaches. As I walk back to my lesson I feel the abated in me 'the duck was that all about I thought she said she would take care of my private information' after finishing my thought I had reached the class room door and I can hear the loud shouting of present mic. I walk in and present mic waves me over to him "oh y/n I would like you to join a group please everyone is discussing about pro hero's and I want you all to make a presentation to send to me later" I look at him and say in a very annoyed tone of voice "okay"
I look around the class and see kaminari, jiro, Mina and momo all in a group with Mina waving me over. I walk over and sit next to momo and before they can say anything I drop my head to the table and almost instantly fall asleep.

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