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(Y/n POV )
I had just gotten changed very quickly and left the changing room before the others had. I stand outside next to aizawa waiting for everyone else. 'Well this is very awkward' I notice aizawa look at me and say something that's been in his mind "so y/n when I was looking at everyone's files I noticed that your quirk wasn't on their and your full name was missing so what's with that" "I prefer not to talk about my family and my quirk... well that's a long story of how it works" I say to him and as I finish the rest of the class walks out. Once everyone was out I look and see midoriya is the only one in his or clothes but that's proberly since his out fit got destroyed in the combat training. As everyone is waiting to get on the bus I notice yaoyorozu looking at mineta with a offended look as he is drooling at the sight of the girls. I walk past yaoyorozu who says "what you doing y/n" I don't reply and pick mineta up by the back of his head and turn him in the direction of me. Then in a cold voice I say "if I see you peeping on the girls like that anymore I will literally kill you" "I-I-I'm so-rry p-please don't k-k-kill m-e" with that I drop him down and he runs away with speed that would make all might jealous. "Thank you y/n but you didn't need to scare him too much" I look to my right and see yaoyorozu "well he had it coming, if I didn't say it too him who would of." Then out of no where ilda blows a whistle and shouts "gather round class 1-a, using your student numbers form 2 neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently." "Lida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep" I hear midoriya says. Once we get on the bus we see it is a open layout bus ruining lida and his plan. I take a seat next to the window and as soon as I am settled I fall asleep but just before I do I hear someone sit down next to me.

(Momo POV)
I had gotten on the bus and had taken a seat next to y/n I look over to him and go to say something only to see him 'ASLEEP... again dose he just not sleep or something.' Once we were all on and ready to go, we head to the place where we will be doing our rescue training. As the bus gets in its way everyone starts talking and I make conversation with uraraka "so what type of rescue training do you think we will be doing yaoyorozu" "I think it will most likely be that we will work in groups to rescue other class mates or dummies" I say back to her "yeah that makes sense, I know me and you will do great with your quick thinking and my zero gravity quirk we can do a lot" uraraka says but then says "why are you blushing yaoyorozu" "W-what do y-ou Me-an, I'm not blushing" I replay shocked at her but little did I know y/n head had fallen into my shoulder like in the car when I took him home and this causes me to start blushing "yeah you are but why" she pokes her head around me and notices y/n resting on my shoulder causing her to say "dose he just sleep anywhere" I look at her and say "that what I thought he always happens to sleep in class but he is super smart" "I don't know he might not sleep much at his home I guess." As she finishes we hear aizawa say "hey, hey we're here stop messing around" I look to my shoulder and lightly tap y/n causing him to wake up. He rubs his eyes and says "sorry for using your shoulder as a pillow" "it's fine but we are here"

(Y/n POV)
After yaoyorozu had woken me up we got off the bus and are greeted by a person in a astronaut hero costume. "Hello everyone I've been waiting for you" the person says "it's the space hero thirteen, the pro that has saved hundreds of people from disasters across the world" midoriya says. "Woohoo thirteen is one of my favourite hero's!" Uraraka shouts "I can't wait to show you what's inside" thirteen says guiding us to the facility. "This is gonna be awesome" most of the class say. We enter a massive dome with many other buildings inside. "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm and more, I created this training facility to prepared you for different disasters" thirteen says as we all look around in awe. "I call it the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it usj." Everyone thinks "just like universal studio Japan" aizawa walks up to thirteen and says "hey shouldn't all might be here already, let me guess he booked an interview instead" thirteen says something to aizawa that I don't hear. "Clocks timing we should get started" aizawa says as we all get ready to start but thirteen says "excellent but before we get started let me say one thing made plus's three four" after that I focus my attention else where as I sense a lecture coming. Aizawa then says "now that's over" but is cut short but the lights flickering in the usj and the water fountain starts turning off and on. Then a portal opens up in front of the fountain and grows bigger and bigger an I get a felling like this isn't training but a something else. Aizawa then commands us saying "stay together and don't move, thirteen protect the students." "Woah what is that thing" kirishima says as everyone's attention goes towards the fountain as a man with hands all over his body appears and I followed by a load of people. As soon as I see them I know this isn't some messed up training exercises but real villains then kirishima says "wait has the training started already, I thought we were rescuing people" aizawa puts on his goggle and I say "yeah this isn't training there real villains" everyone looks at me and there expression changes from joy they felt a couple of minutes ago to fear aizawa says "stay back y/n right there real" as I'm looking at the villains I hear one say "looks like the only hero's here are thirteen and erasure head... perplexing according to the schedule we retrieved from ua all might should be here as well" "so you scumbags used the press as a cover to get into the campus" aizawa says to the villains as the hand guy says "where is he I went thorough all the trouble of bringing so many friends who want to meet him, where are you all might the great symbol of peace I can't believe he is not here maybe if I kill a few kids he will come out to play." Aizawa then lifted his scarf preparing to fight. "What real villains no way how could so many off them get into a ua facility this secure" kirishima says as yaoyorozu asks "yeah thirteen why aren't the alarms going off" "good question" thirteen replies as I decide to speak up understanding everything now "the must have someone who has a quirk that is jamming trespassing system" "they could also be attacking the main ua building for all we know" todoroki asks but I know what is really happening so I decide to say "no it's only here this was calculated, they were planning on all might being here but he isn't so they will most likely try and keep us here giving all might a reason to come... they are most likely going to try and use us to lure him in and kill him but that means they have a way of doing so" everyone looks at me a bit shocked at how I new all that so quickly even Aizawa. "thirteen get them out of here and alert the main campus" aizawa says "hey kaminari can you try contacting the school they may not be jamming our normal communication but I doubt that if they have planned this much" I say as aizawa looks like he was about to say the same thing. Midoriya says something but I start thinking about all the possible outcomes of this fight and what could happen 'they must have a plan to defeat all might but no one here looks strong except for that bird with an exposed brain but' I'm cut short as I see aizawa jump down and start fighting but then start thinking again 'wait the door is right behind us so how are they gonna keep us in here' "shit"
Thirteen hears me and as she and the class start running and says "your smart what is it you seem worried about" "the fact that we aren't gonna get to the door in time the warp guy he is gonna send us around the facility to break us up will you be able to stop him" I reply as she looks at me and says "yeah I will be able to." "There is no escape for you" the mist guy says. "It's a pleasure to meet you we are the league of villains, I know it's impolite but we decide to invite ourselves to this school of justice to say hello, and besides that isn't this a fitting place for all might to take his last breath I thought he was meant to be here today but I can't see him there must of been a change of plans we could not of foreseen, ugh well In the end I guess it doesn't matter I still have a role to play" i looks no see him expand but also notice thirteen open up her glove and get ready to use her quirk but bakugo and kirishima run at him and attack him "did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds" kirishima says  "you live up to your schools expectations" the most guy says back. As soon as I see him start forming back I each my hand back and pull bakugo and kirishima back with my wind. They end up next to me and bakugo says "what the hell you doing I had him!" "No you were both in the way" "you should be more careful children otherwise someone might get hurt" I look at thirteen and nod signalling her to use her black hole but it is too late. The most covers us and before we go I look at bakugo and say "well you fucked up this time, you need to calm down a bit your gonna get someone killed" and as I finish I disappear to a mountain type zone. As I land I can hear fighting next to me across I mazzive hill but as I look around I notice a group of villains looking at me "well look here we got a little hero all by himself" one of them says as another one adds on "you scared little hero cause this is your last day" "ha ha Ha Ha" I start laughing at their taunting to scare me" "hey what's so funny" another one adds "oh just the fact you thing you scare me when really *a mask starts forming around my face* you are the ones who should be scared" I say as I look at them. "Wait I-I-is that t-th-the"

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