Hero names, interships and girl's sleepover

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(Y/n POV)
The sports festival has just ended me and momo have just gotten to momo's mansion. As we get out of my car and walk up to the door it swings open revealing nessa (I decided to change momo's moms name) who instantly hugs momo "oh I'm so proud of you momo" "thank you mom I just wish I could of done more" momo answers in a sad voice "don't be silly you did great I'm very proud of you, and you too y/n coming first is very impressive" nessa looks over to me "thank you" I reply with a smile "well let's go have some food I bet you are all hungry after today" nessa walks us inside as we go and have something to eat. We all talk about the sports festival and what we think will happen next in school. After dinner I realise that I have no clothes or anything "shit" momo looks at me with a confused look "what's wrong y/n" she tilts her head in a cute way "I just realised I have no clothes or anything, I'm gonna go home and grab some" I give momo a quick kiss and head out to my car.
Time skip
I drive into my very secluded street with only a few houses and pull onto my drive.

Time skip I drive into my very secluded street with only a few houses and pull onto my drive

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I open my garage door and park my car next to my other one. As the garage door shuts I make my way up to my room but as I am half way up the stairs I feel a power flow through me as in my arm appear dark red gains and a black lightning surrounds it then disappears 'what the hell was that was it to do with that dream I had... actually now that I think about it what was that dream, there where all them figures and why where they looking at me, unless they weren't behind me was midoriya so made it has something to do with him but I can't be certain yet but I will keep this to myself for now' I walk up to my room and grab all my essentials.
Time skip
I get back to momo's and make my way to the living room where her and nessa are "hi I'm back" momo dose a cute little run up to me and hugs me "hey me and mom are were just looking for a movie to watch so now your here we all can" she leads me to the sofa were me, momo and nessa sit and find a movie to watch.
After the movie finishes me we all decide to go to bed because of school the next day "okay goodnight you two and again well done today" nessa says as she walks to her bed room "goodnight mom/nessa" me and momo say at the same time. We both then walk up to moms room where I see her queen sized bed in the middle, a tv on the opposite wall two other door I guess to be the bathroom and her wardrobe, I see some chairs so bed size tables and other small things. "This is the first time I've actually seen your room" I say to momo "yeah it is, so the door to your left is the bath room and the other door is my wardrobe so you can put your bag anywhere and get changed into some sleepwear" she says as she sits on the bed. I walk over the a chair and place my bag down and get out some baggy black shorts "hey y/n are you not gonna change your shirt" momo questions me as I am about to walk into the bathroom "well you see I don't like to keep in a short so can I sleep without one, I mean I can put one on if you want" I reply as I take my hand of the handle and take a step in my bags direction "no it's fine you can sleep without one" momo says blushing. I walk into the bathroom and change into my shorts and look at myself in the mirror only to remember about my scars 'shot what will I say, ummm they were from training, yeah that should work' I walk out the bathroom to see momo in black short shorts and a red baggy t-shirt that almost covers the shorts. I walk up behind her and as I'm about 2 feet away she turns around and look at me but instantly her eyes land on the scars on my body "y/n where you get all these scars from" she asks as she reaches out to touch the x scar on my chest "there scars from training and when I was stupid with my quirk" I reply trying to forget about the scar her finger is tracing at the moment "they look bad and look at all these other ones, you need to be more careful" she says in a cute but demanding tone "okay I will but we have school tomorrow so let's get some sleep" I look dow at her as she grabs my arm and pulls me down onto the bed where we get under the cover. Once we get under and comfortable I shift myself in front of momo where I rest my right hand on her waist and my left hand on her jawline. Momo's onyx eyes look into mine as our lips connect for a very passionate but sloppy kiss. Her hands make there way around my neck and mine move down to her waist. We continue kissing as our tongs fight for dominance but mine wins in the end. My tong explores her mouth as she moans lightly sending a vibration through my body. As I do this my hands move and firmly grab onto her ass causing her to moan more. After a few minutes we finally separate both having a very obvious blush on our faces. Momo buries her head into my chest as my arms move around her back as we begin to drift off but before I can I hear momo say something "thank you y/n for everything you've done, you helped me train, not lose motivation and made me feel proud of myself, I love you" I place a kiss on momo's head as I reply to her "I love you too momo I will always be there for you." We both fall asleep wrapped in each others arms.

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