A Dream?

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(Y/n POV)
Me and momo both fall asleep with her wrapping her arms around my stomach as I have one arm under her pulling her closer to me. As my mind drifts off instead of going into a normal dream I wake up in a white room. Well it's not really a room more like a box. As I stand up my body shakes as it doesn't feel like I'm actually standing up. As I look around and get use to this weird feeling. I wonder if I'm in a dream or something else.

I walk around the area and not to my surprise it is just a white box "okay now this is weird it feels like a dream but also way to realistic" I sit down and look around the area some more as I say "we'll if this is a dream then me pinching my cheek won't hurt" I raise my hand and lightly pinch my cheek as it doesn't hurt "we'll I guess this is a dream but it still feels too real, I wonder if my quirk works" I place my hand on the ground as I create a wall of ice. I decide to keep using my quirk as I also use my blood quirk to make blood flow of of my body and create different patterns as I harden it to strike some of the ice I built up. As I'm doing this I feel that strange feeling in my arm again. I feel it flow through my body as I try I look at my arms and any exposed skin that shows dark red veins and black lightning around me. I try to control the power as I pull my arm back and launch a punch forward. This causes a bit of wind to pick up as my arm feels a bit of a strain flow through it "what the hell is this" I continue to try and control this power getting a little bit better as I the heat a voice saying "hey y/n, you need to get up" i feel my body become a bit weaker as I lay on the ground and close my eyes.

When I open my eyes I see I'm back in momo's room with her looking down at me as she says "we'll good morning handsome" momo pulls me into a kiss that I accept and return as I say "we'll that's a good way to wake up" momo goes to walk away but I lightly grab her arm and pull her body towards me as I embrace her in a hug. She seems surprised as she says "y-y/n what was that for" I tighten my grip a bit and pull her closer as I say "I want to stay like this for a little longer" momo doesn't say anything as she brushes her hand through my hair. We stay like this for a while until momo says "okay now we need to get changed"

Time skip to school
"We will be spending our summer at a training camp, so I hope you have all been studying but anyways good luck" mr aizawa says as he walks out of the classroom as Mina shouts "I haven't even taken notes" as kaminari adds "with the sports festival and internships I haven't had time to study" momo looks at them as she tells them that she will help them study as they shout in unison "your the best Yao-momo" more people begin asking momo if they can study with her that she accepts. This causes her to go on her little planning talk as she begins asking them a barrage of questions like what tea they like and other stuff which causes me to giggle a bit as I have gotten use to this type of behaviour as I look to the group and say "well you all set her off she will stop soon" momo continues talking as the others just nod and stutter and slowly dispute as momo walks over to me and says "hey can you ask my mom to set up the great hall please" I smile and says "yeah I'll go do it now" I walk near a secluded part of the classroom as I call nessa. It rings a few times but is finally picked up as I hear nessa say "oh hi y/n" I reply with "hi nessa, momo has asked me to ask you if you can set up the great hall as some of our classmates will be coming to study" nessa thinks for a second and finally responds "yes I will do that now" I see momo look at me as I smile towards her and say "okay we'll I will see you later nessa" "see you soon y/n" nessa says as she ends the call. I look to momo who told the others her address as she says "what did mother say" I look toward momo and say "she said yes" momo and the others smile as the bell for lunch rings.

Me and momo sit at a table with uraraka, ilda, todoroki, midoriya and jiro. As we sit and eat our lunch Uraraka says "so who do you think we will be fighting, maybe the teachers?" Everyone starts putting in there points as modriya says "ouch that hurt monoma" as the blond boy replies " sorry your head is so big it got in the way" he has a stupid smile plasters on the face. He carry's on talking about the hero killer incident only to get cut off by kendo karate chopping the back of his neck making his body go limp as kendo says "I apologise about him but I heard the exam will be against robots, anyways see ya" she walks away while dragging monoma as the others begin talking. I look to momo who smile at me but then I feel a little tug on my sleeve and as I look to my right I see jiro pulling my sleeve. I lean down a bit as she says "ummm c-can you h-help me train" I smile towards her and say "of course you can train with me and momo" momo over hears this and adds in "yeah come join us, we can also train with the other girls as well" jiro smile and says "yeah that would be good"

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