Girls sleepover 2 / announcment

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(3rd person)
As Y/n and momo get back to momo's house a weak tired y/n instantly head up to the bedroom after talking to nessa. Momo talks to nessa a bit more until she heads upstairs to check on y/n who as she opens the door see a dark room only lit up by the daylight that is cover by curtains that shine rays into the big room revealing y/n laying on momo's bed covers with his clothes thrown around the room as he sleeps peacefully in the big bed.

(Momo pov)
I walk into the dark lit room as y/n lays there with his clothes all over the place. I walk over to him and notice he is already asleep. I walk over to the tv and turn on Netflix as I get changed into some more comfortable clothes and lay next to y/n as I lift his head and place it onto my breast as he sleeps peacefully.

After about 3 hours I feel y/n moving as his eyes slowly open looking up towards me as I say "have a nice nap" he smiles as he wraps his arms around me and pulls himself into me more "yeah I did" I smile back as I grab my phone to check the time "wow it's already 6:53 we should go and Horace dinner now" I lift up only for y/n to put more weight in me saying "no I wanna stay like this longer" I try again only to be pushed back down. I carry on but on my 7th attempt y/n pushes me down like he had been but is red he lifts up and pins my hands down causing me to blush as he looks down  at me instantly sopping his head and placing his lips on mine. The kiss starts calm but y/n's hands travel around my body as he touches the best parts making me wrap my arms and legs around him taking charge of the kiss as I slip my tung into his mouth and place my hands under his shirt felling his body. After about 10 minutes we finally stop as he takes his weight of me and lays back down. I stand up and clean myself up while y/n lays in bed still looking Ill as I say "I will go get you something to eat and hopefully make you feel better"

(Y/n POV)
Momo leave the room and after about 25 minutes returns with a bowl as she walks up to me "my mom made you some soup" she places the tray the bowl is on into my lap as she sits next to me. I pick up the spoon and as I go to put the spoon into the bowl it falls out my hand as I lose all strength in my arm. Momo notices this as she grabs the spoon and lowers it Into the soup as she pulls it out and hold it in front of my mouth "say ahhh" she teases as I open my mouth allowing her to place the spoon into my mouth. This continues as she feeds me as we watch Netflix.

The rest of the day goes as normal as me and momo cuddle together on her bed but as it turns about 11 o'clock her phone begins to ring.
She looks at the name on the phone as I look to see Uraraka. She answers the call and puts it on speaker as Uraraka says "hey momo, I wanted to ask you something" momo replies "yeah what is it?" "Well me, jiro, hakagure and asui were thinking we could have a sleepover at yours again maybe during the weekend" momo thinks for a second until her door opens and nessa walks in "hey you two I'm going bed now" momo uses that chance to ask "oh hi mom can the girls stay for a sleepover again this weekend" nessa thinks for a moment before saying "I'm sorry momo but I have people around on the weekend" I get an idea then "hey momo why don't you stay around mine there is plenty of room" momo looks to nessa who nods her head towards her "we can have one at y/n's if all the girls don't mind" Uraraka seems to think fir a moment " yeah we can see at school tomorrow, so I will see you then goodnight momo, mrs yaoyorozu and y/n" "goodnight" we all sat in unison.

After that nessa went to her bedroom as momo switches off all the lights as when she lays down I latch onto her as she wraps her arms around me playing with my hair.

(3rd person)
During school the next day the students learn about the training camp causing those who failed the practical to worry only to be told that everyone is going they just have to take extra classes. After learning this some students decide that the class should go shopping on the weekend that ends up fitting right into the plan off having there sleepover then they can go shopping together. The rest of the day is uneventful as y/n and momo head to momo's home and spend the night with nessa.

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