The vote

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(Y/n POV)
I had just woken up from my 2 hour sleep and had head to my bathroom to have a shower. As I enter I see my body and looks at my arms to see the scars scattered across them. "It's weird that when my arm gets completely destroyed my scars still stay I mean I did inflict then on myself but I would think that when my are got completely destroyed that one time they would of gone with it." As I step into the shower I start thinking 'since my scars stay when I chose them to if I got a fatal wound would I be able to keep the scar' "guess I'll have to find out but not right now I need to get to school."

Time skip
I had just walked into school and am walking down to my class when some dickhead with blond hair starts talking to me about some shit.

(Momo POV)
I had just started walking down to class with jiro as I saw her at the front gate but when we walk down a hallway with not a lot of people I notice y/n is talking to some boy with blond hair. As we get closer I hear the boy say "oh I'm sorry am I in the way of a class 1-a student how terrible of me a class 1-b student to be in the superiors way I bet that's what your thinking isn't it" I see y/n walk past him without saying anything but the blond then speaks up "oh my am I not even worth words well let me tell you something class 1-a student I netio monoma will surpass you cocky class   1-a. Is why y/n look at him and say "just shut up your voice is annoying" "oh I'm so sorry of that how rude of me a peasant to talk to you a class 1-a student like that" I see y/n turn around and say "what was your name monoma wasn't it I don't know what your problem is but just leave me alone will you" " sorry but I won't listen to the likes of you, you most likely don't even to deserve to be here with that attitude" as them words leave his mouth he turns and walks away but y/n says something "hey monoma" as the blond boy turns around he is met with a fist to the face that send him into the flood and cracks it a bit. Y/n just walks away like nothing happens and me and jiro look in shock of how he just hit him, I mean he was being rude but that much force just because of that seems like overkill. The boy wobbly stands up with a bloody face and runs in a different direction that looks like recovery girl. After seeing that we head to class and when we walk in we see y/n at his desk with a aura that is colder than normal jiro says to me "I guess something that boy said really got to him" "yeah I guess it did" I reply and head over to my seat I go to say something to y/n but aizawa walks in and say we have something important to do.

(Y/n POV)
Aizawa has just walked in the class and is talking about the training exercise. While he is exposing my lack of sleep catches up to me and I decide to just sleep for home room I do however hear aizawa say "you all need to pick a class representative" and as soon as them words leave I hear everyone start shouting saying stuff like you should pick me or something like that so instead I just sleep right before I hear ilda say something.

(3rd person)
As the class are starting to vote for the class representative a knock is heard from the door alerting aizawa. He stands up and the door opens to reveal midnight. Some of the boys gain a blush from midnight due to her outfit but as they are daydreaming she says "can I have y/n please" aizawa looks in my direction and says "yaoyorozu can you get y/n up" "yes sir" yaoyorozu says as she looks at y/n and lightly taps him making him wake up.

(Y/n POV)
I had just been woken up by yaoyorozu and when I look to the front of the class I hear aizawa say "midnight needs you so get going and give us your vote" I stand up and make my way over to the door and before I walk out with midnight is say "I vote for ilda" and walk through the door. Once I walk out midnight says to follow her and I do. While walking I ask "so what am I needed for" she looks at me and says "principal nezu would like to speak to you" "okay I already know what this is about anyways" I state and she looks at me and asked "oh really what is it then" "I'm guessing it's because I punched a dickhead chase he was getting in my nerves" I say back. she then stops at the principals office and says "well good luck and watch your language when you are in there" and with that I walk in... "oh hello there y/n I hope I'm not bothering you too much but we need to talk about something" 'what the fuck is that thing a mouse a bear' "Um yeah it's fine I guessing this is about the incident earlier." "Yes it is I just want to see why you happens to punch neito monoma earlier today and my name is principal nezu if you haven't been told already" says the bear mouse thing. I look at him and say "if you wanna know what happens he walked in front of me and started talking about me thinking I'm better than him even though I never met him and that he was just being annoying and the said something that got on my last nerve so I retaliated." "I see well I'm gonna need you to fill out this form to describe what happened exactly *passes the paper over the table* and I should tell you that I understand that something may get in your nerves but try to contain yourself, we don't want to have to expel you but I am curious what it was he said for you to act such a way." I had stopped filling out the form and said "he said that I do t deserve to be here with my attitude" I say in a cold voice. Nezu looks at me and says "well that is very rude but you do come of as quite cold, why not smile once in a while" I look at him and say "no emotions get in the way" nezu looks at me with a puzzled look but doesn't say any more.

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