After usj and a groupchat

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(Y/n POV)
After the attack we got told we would have the rest of the school week off this meant we had 3 days off school. "I wonder what I should do, I'm a bit hungry so I guess I will have something to eat" as I walk to the kitchen I notice a phone starts buzzing
(A/n the messaging format will work by having  name: and then the message. ~ means something has been added in the message or something has changed~)
Yaoyorozu: hi y/n just thought I would message you so that you would have my number and thank you for today
Y/n: no problem that what we are suppose to do as hero's in training
Yaoyorozu: yeah I guess but what are you up to
Y/n: just about to have something to eat
Yaoyorozu: okay well I hope you have a good rest of the day
Y/n:same to you
After I finished messaging yaoyorozu I went straight to do myself f/f

(Momo POV)
After I had gotten home and messaged y/n I went and had a shower and I thought about today at the usj 'that was really scary we could off died, I don't know what would of happens to me jiro and kaminari if y/n wasn't there but I still don't get how he dived that falling stone tablet I swear I saw him get hit' "well at least it is good he didn't" while in the shower I can't get y/n out my head and start blushing thinking about him 'why do I keep blushing when I think about him I know he is very hansom but I still don't know enough about him...' "that's it I want to know more about him, soo guess soon I will see if he wants to meet up." After this I get out the shower and see a notification on my phone when I pick it up and look at the message I see I have been added to a group chat called class 1-a
~Mina has added jiro, ilda and 17 others the the group chat~
Mina: hi guys I decided that we should have a group chat so that we can plan stuff and get to know each other
Kirishima:calm down bakugo it not that bad
Sero:yeah I think this will be good
Jiro: yeah but it says there is only 20 people there is 21 in our class
Mina: I know but I didn't have y/n number do any of you?
Kirishima:I don't
Kaminari:same here
Tokoyami: same with me
Shoji:yeah I never got it i don't think he gave it anyone
As I'm looking I relies I must be the only one with it so I add him
Yaoyorozu:I have it so I can add him
Mina:good thanks yaoyorozu
~yaoyorozu added y/n to the group chat~
Y/n:what have I been added to
Mina:I made a group chat with everyone in class 1-a so we can get to know each other better and meet up
Y/n:oh okay
Mina:yeah I was thinking that we should all meet up and go some where this Saturday about 12 so who wants to come
Kaminari: yeah that sound good I can go
Jiro: yeah same with me
Kirishima:I can
Kirishima:calm down bakugo he will come
Sero:yeah just calm down I'm going it will be fun
Midoriya:yeah I will come
Uraraka:same here
Ilda:me too
Shoji:I'm not busy so I will as well
Ojiro:I can come as well
Hakagure:I'm coming this is gonna be so much fun
Koda:me too
Yaoyorozu:I will come as well
Mineta:yeah I will come
Sato:I will come I'm free
Aoyama:I will be present as well
Asui:I'm gonna go as well
Mina: what about you bakugo
Bakugo:fine I'll come
Mina:what about you y/n
Y/n:sorry I'm busy all weekend
When I see that I become sad I really wanted to see him
Mina:well whoever can come be there at 12

Time skip
I am about to meet up with everyone from school except todoroki because he didn't say anything and y/n which I am really sad about. As I get there I'm greeted "hi yaoyorozu" jiro and Mina say at the same time "hi is everyone here" I reply "no bakugo and kirishima are like two minutes away and todoroki and y/n aren't coming" kaminari says to me "okay have you figured out what we are going to do" I ask Mina "yeah first we have an hour to go shopping before this new movie starts then we will all go and get food" "oh you have really planned this out haven't you"I say to her "yeah but jiro and hakagure helped as well" as she finished uraraka says "hey look bakugo and kirishima are here" we all look and see then walking up "hey guys ready to get going" kirishima says "yeah" a lot of people say Mina then explains what we are doing and we all go shopping in a lot of shops buying a couple of things then after an hour we head to watch the movie.

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