Training and fighting teachers

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(3rd person)
As the school day goes on it finally reaches its end as y/n looks and see everyone beginning to  gather there items. He reaches down and grabs his bag as other students start leaving one by one or in small groups to walk home. Y/n happens to over hear bakugo and kirishima talking about training as sero jumps in and asks to train with them too. As he looks away to them and towards momo who is talking to some of the girls who are split into two groups with momo, jiro and uraraka in one while "tsu, hakagure and Mina is in the other. Y/n goes to walk over to momo but feels his phone buzz in his pocket making causing him to look down at the number seeing it is hawks. He sighs and looks to momo who is now looking towards him as he makes the signal that it is an important call and he will be back in a minute.

As the boy walks out of the classroom and into a empty hallway checking no one will hear him he misses the R-rated teacher who listens into his conversation. Y/n does one more check still missing the teacher as he answers the call saying "okay what do you want." He stands and listens to the man on the other end as he says "already found the location, okay I will be there at about 11 o'clock and just to confirm you will give me the rest of the details in person" he waits for a response as he says the man the bars name to confirm as he gets a yes in response. He end the call and walks away as the hero now seen as midnight says to herself "well what are you up too kid" she walks away taking a mental note at the location and time as she enters the reaches lounge. Y/n makes his way back to the class as he sees mr aizawa walk out as he says "your training with them aren't you, we have a designated area for you be ready in 10 minutes and come back to me" he walks off as the girls leave the classroom as momo walks up to him saying "hey y/n you okay" He smile as He leans in close to her and whisper "yeah I just... I have to go and do you know so I will be out at 11, I'm sorry" momo gives him a tight hug as she says "y/n I said I would support you so just do what you need to do, I'm alway here to talk" she kisses his cheek as they begin going to get changed but before they split to go to the changing rooms momo says "oh yeah Mina asks the class 1-b girls to join so be nice" y/n look at her slightly surprised that they were going to be there but gave her a warm smile as they go to our designated changing rooms.

(Y/n POV)
After getting changed I head exit and am met with tsu, jiro and momo who all take note of me as momo says "okay you lot ready the others have already gone as jiro responds "yep let's go" we begin walking until we finally reach the spot. It is a big building with many things located around the area. As I look around I see the other girls from class 1-a who are accompanied with the girls from 1-b either talking or stretching as midnight, ectoplasm and thirteen walk through the door. Midnight is the first to speak "I heard you lot were doing some trading and as we are not doing anything we have decided to help so let's begin" thirteen then says "I'm guessing you are all training for the test so the best thing for you to train is how to fight in different ways and come up with new ideas and solutions to problems. You will all be paired up but due to the uneven numbers you will be rotated and one person will fight ectoplasm clone and if it gets destroyed he will make another so let's being we will assign your first opponent" they go around and sort out who we will be fighting as I end up agains Uraraka. We stand across from each other as she says "I won't go easy on you I've learnt some new tricks so give it you all" I smirk as I look to midnight who is walking around and say "hi midnight do we have training weapons" she looks to me and smiles as she heads over to a door that reveals a wall of practise weapons as she says out load so everyone can hear "it is always good to try and use new weapons so I'd you like you can use any from in here" she walks away as I pick up some items that I put to the side a Si Spock up a staff and look to Uraraka as everyone else had started as I say "okay let's begin" she runs at me as I ready my staff. I see her go for the staff that I easily avoid as move behind her and hit the back of her legs making her fall to the ground. She swings her legs and tries to trip le up but I jump to avoid but this gives her the chance to touch my body so I plant the staff into the floor and use it as I vault to get behind her and knock her back. She turns around and says "wow your even good without you quirk but I said to not hold back" I look at her as question"but this is training so I'm using this time to practise on my combat instead of my quirk but I may use it if I want to" she nods as she realises that this training isn't just for us to fight but to try and practise and hone our skills.

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