Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV:
I hate having to wake up for school. I hate school. Everyone thinks since I'm Marcus Moreno's kid I have powers and it gets annoying. I got up, showered and put on

Cause we're gonna run a lot in PE today (coach said)

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Cause we're gonna run a lot in PE today (coach said). My dad rings my watch.
Y/n= Your Name
MM= Marcus Moreno
MM: Y/n get ready for breakfast.
Y/n: Alright dad. Be right there!
I walk out and dad is watching something on TV. It sounds like I heard something about Miracle guy...falling from the sky?
He quickly turns it off.
MM: Morning kiddo. Did you sleep ok?
I look in the sink and noticed he put the eggs in the sink and the shells in the bowl. I grab some of the shells.
Y/n: Did you?
We ended up just having cereal and toast cause DAD wasted all the eggs!
MM: You know I want you to make some friends.
Y/n: Not today....not ever...
I look at the TV.
Y/n WOAH! Is that miracle guy?
Dad turns off the TV again.
MM: That is just a training exercise, probably. A- a "what if".
Y/n: As long as there's no "what if" that involves you rejoining the team.
MM: Relax. Even though I'm still the leader of the Heroics, I'm doing it from the safety of my own office.
Y/n: Good. Because a deal is a deal.
My dad just laughs at me.
~At School~
Y/n: What's wrong?
MM: Nothing. Umm I love you.
Y/n: an I love you on a random Tuesday morning? Are you sure you're ok? I love you too.
I walk into school.
I was trying to help some kids get a ball from a tree and they kept assuming I had powers.
Y/n: I've already told y'all. I DON'T HAVE POWERS!
The ball falls from the tree.
Y/n: Not me! Gravity.
All of a sudden some lady in a suit tells me to come with her into a really fancy high tech car.
~Heroics Underground Stronghold~
MG= Miss Granada
Y/n: Um Miss Granada. Do I really have to go in there?
MG: Are you going to be a problem Y/n?
I shake my head and put a fake smile.
We walk into the huge door and there's a bunch of other kids. Miss Granada introduced me and she told me to take a seat in the front of the classroom. She then says we're all doing a wonderful job at cooperating. I just roll my eyes and start my school work. I wasn't looking forward to talking to anybody.

Slick's Dojo
So first chapter...👍🏿 or 👎🏿 let me know
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